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1. Htmx and Web Components: A Perfect Match (binaryigor.com)
257 points by alexzeitler 8 months ago | 179 comments
2. You don't need JavaScript for that (htmhell.dev)
889 points by soheilpro 10 months ago | 334 comments
3. Graphic design items from Internet Archive (archives.design)
233 points by patrikcsak on June 18, 2023 | 18 comments
4. System – A resource that aims to explain how everything in the world is related (system.com)
289 points by daniellenewnham on March 14, 2022 | 123 comments
5. How I'm able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim (castel.dev)
703 points by tambourine_man on March 21, 2019 | 221 comments
6. Tic-80 Tiny Computer (tic.computer)
43 points by bshanks on Sept 7, 2020 | 3 comments
7. Guide to Concurrency in Python with Asyncio (integralist.co.uk)
195 points by LiamPa on May 24, 2020 | 76 comments
8. Pricing niche products (kevinlynagh.com)
769 points by speps on Oct 4, 2019 | 356 comments
9. I draw figures for my mathematical lecture notes using Inkscape (castel.dev)
542 points by adamnemecek on April 27, 2019 | 97 comments

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