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1. Fallout1-ce: Fallout for modern operating systems (github.com/alexbatalov)
138 points by ulrischa 5 months ago | 39 comments
2. The 'Atlanta Magnet Man' is saving our car tires, one bike ride at a time (wabe.org)
343 points by neocritter 7 months ago | 220 comments
3. Google over-hired talent to do ‘fake work’, claims Keith Rabois (yahoo.com)
57 points by signa11 on March 12, 2023 | 64 comments
4. Pens and Tablets for Linux (wacom.com)
525 points by tux1968 on April 1, 2022 | 213 comments
5. The end of the nice GTK button (brixit.nl)
878 points by MartijnBraam on March 24, 2022 | 647 comments

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