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1. Billionaires Build (paulgraham.com)
520 points by okgabr on Dec 4, 2020 | 916 comments
2. Ask HN: Good C++ code bases to read?
336 points by ChuckMcM on Oct 26, 2020 | 253 comments
3. Interrupted Loops (leancrew.com)
43 points by tosh on Oct 10, 2020 | 22 comments
4. Ask HN: Teaching kids how to think?
264 points by tmaly on Sept 30, 2020 | 139 comments
5. YouTube Channels to Level Up Your Programming Skills (codegiant.io)
267 points by spiderjako22 on Sept 25, 2020 | 124 comments
6. Ozymandias (poetryfoundation.org)
138 points by _ttg on July 25, 2020 | 95 comments
7. C performance mystery: delete unused string constant (github.com/google)
153 points by dolmen on June 24, 2020 | 105 comments
8. Show HN: See a Satellite Tonight. No Telescope Required (darpinian.com)
863 points by modeless on Sept 21, 2019 | 151 comments

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