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1. U-M finds students with alphabetically lower-ranked names receive lower grades (umich.edu)
408 points by cebert 74 days ago | 270 comments
2. Ask HN: Are there any websites for SQL puzzle games?
157 points by novoreorx 4 months ago | 46 comments
3. Crush Your Interviews with the Power of Storytelling (scarletink.com)
171 points by jseliger 7 months ago | 130 comments
4. How to Build Your Own AI-Generated Images with ControlNet and Stable Diffusion (datature.io)
191 points by gkeechin 8 months ago | 68 comments
5. Ask HN: What are some self-hosted photo organizing/sharing programs?
81 points by eeemmmooo 10 months ago | 65 comments
6. Ask HN: Favorite teachers on YouTube?
770 points by akudha on Sept 16, 2018 | 189 comments

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