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1. Endatabas: A SQLite-inspired, SQL document database with full history (endatabas.com)
117 points by thunderbong 9 months ago | 20 comments
2. Ursula Le Guin on Star Trek: TNG (1994) (gentlier.tumblr.com)
204 points by kqr2 on Oct 30, 2022 | 152 comments
3. Fish Shell 3.5.0 (fishshell.com)
160 points by phillco on June 16, 2022 | 71 comments
4. Rockstar: a language for programs that are also hair metal power ballads (codewithrockstar.com)
341 points by skanderbm on Dec 7, 2021 | 67 comments
5. ESE: The server-grade, embedded DB ships with Windows (github.com/microsoft)
93 points by mnkypete on Jan 30, 2021 | 37 comments
6. Show HN: Google Drive as a file system (github.com/harababurel)
374 points by harababurel on June 30, 2018 | 84 comments
7. Ask HN: I'm writing a book about white-collar drug use, including tech sector
542 points by Eilene on Feb 26, 2018 | 615 comments
8. Achtung Baby by Sara Zaske, Reviewed (slate.com)
140 points by okket on Feb 13, 2018 | 96 comments
9. StarCraft: Remastered – Emulating a buffer overflow for fun and profit [pdf] (0xeb.net)
249 points by jsnell on Feb 5, 2018 | 33 comments
10. 3,500 Occult Manuscripts Will Be Digitized and Made Freely Available Online (openculture.com)
403 points by RmDen on Jan 26, 2018 | 96 comments
11. Show HN: Cixl – a minimal, decently typed scripting language (github.com/basic-gongfu)
64 points by sifoo on Jan 5, 2018 | 22 comments
12. AMD PSP: Firmware TPM Remote Code Execution via Crafted EK Certificate (seclists.org)
243 points by transpute on Jan 5, 2018 | 90 comments
13. An Interview with an Anonymous Data Scientist (2016) (logicmag.io)
265 points by PaulJulius on Dec 11, 2017 | 103 comments
14. The Big Vitamin D Mistake (nih.gov)
756 points by pacaro on Dec 7, 2017 | 441 comments
15. JuNest: Arch Linux-based distro that runs on any Linux OS, without root access (fsquillace.github.io)
174 points by da02 on Aug 28, 2017 | 68 comments
16. Unlearning the myth of American innocence (theguardian.com)
126 points by kawera on Aug 8, 2017 | 126 comments
17. Ask HN: Which sites you visit on a regular basis for knowledge and inspiration?
331 points by mgos on July 8, 2017 | 153 comments
18. Mental health is still an issue in the workplace (medium.com/olarklivechat)
659 points by bcx on July 6, 2017 | 330 comments
19. OpenSUSE Is an Amazing Underestimated Distribution (fosspost.org)
61 points by _johh on June 12, 2017 | 28 comments
20. Intel releases the last Itanium chip, the 9700 (pcworld.com)
93 points by bhouston on May 13, 2017 | 95 comments
21. An AI wrote all of David Hasselhoff’s lines in a bizarre short film (arstechnica.com)
66 points by secretsinger on April 28, 2017 | 28 comments
22. Metaprogramming is less fun in D (epi.github.io)
124 points by ingve on April 21, 2017 | 88 comments

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