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1. Be more lucky (pnote.eu)
107 points by przem8k 3 months ago | 54 comments
2. The Future of the Monetary System [pdf] (credit-suisse.com)
59 points by vikrum 3 months ago | 57 comments
3. Postgres as queue (leontrolski.github.io)
224 points by leontrolski 4 months ago | 119 comments
4. The Procrastination Matrix (2015) (waitbutwhy.com)
97 points by vidyesh 6 months ago | 7 comments
5. Getting things done in small increments (2022) (dubroy.com)
233 points by begueradj 6 months ago | 54 comments
6. Procrastination is connected to perfectionism (solvingprocrastination.com)
695 points by EndXA 6 months ago | 221 comments
7. What we lose when curating follows the money (hyperallergic.com)
67 points by bryanrasmussen 6 months ago | 22 comments
8. Why it's taking so long for Americans to get payments instantly (wsj.com)
102 points by bookofjoe 6 months ago | 138 comments
9. You are never taught how to build quality software (florianbellmann.com)
592 points by RunOrVeith 7 months ago | 485 comments
10. On Cultures That Build (2020) (scholars-stage.org)
67 points by vwoolf 7 months ago | 41 comments
11. It's OK if your code is just good enough (shiftmag.dev)
114 points by Vatavuk 7 months ago | 144 comments
12. Seeing like a bank (bitsaboutmoney.com)
605 points by arkadiyt 8 months ago | 455 comments
13. Oh my poor business logic (rednafi.com)
258 points by nalgeon 8 months ago | 149 comments
14. Why banks are suddenly closing down customer accounts (nytimes.com)
568 points by ljosa 8 months ago | 872 comments
15. Ask HN: Do you know what is going on at Wise?
113 points by ritzaco 8 months ago | 52 comments
16. Imaginary problems are the root of bad software (cerebralab.com)
946 points by deofoo on June 18, 2023 | 393 comments
17. Pricing Money: A beginner's guide to money, bonds, futures and swaps (jdawiseman.com)
866 points by mhh__ on June 16, 2023 | 306 comments
18. Some mistakes I made as a new manager (benkuhn.net)
426 points by admp on April 23, 2023 | 151 comments
19. Future Blues – Emily's Cowboy Bebop Page (1999) (futureblues.com)
497 points by tm2t on April 16, 2023 | 182 comments
20. A trick to reaching flow: Leave your work broken (census.dev)
572 points by nate on April 5, 2023 | 190 comments
21. Remembering Bob Lee
2090 points by aEJ04Izw5HYm on April 5, 2023 | 217 comments
22. CNBC just deleted 5 pages showing CD5 data for banks including JPM and BAC
100 points by janmo on March 26, 2023 | 18 comments
23. More students are turning away from college and toward apprenticeships (wsj.com)
722 points by lxm on March 18, 2023 | 680 comments
24. Repeat yourself, do more than one thing, and rewrite everything (2018) (programmingisterrible.com)
255 points by bshanks on March 14, 2023 | 116 comments
25. Show HN: One curl command issues next-day ACH deposit
91 points by mahmoudimus on Jan 8, 2013 | 60 comments
26. Increase: Banking API (increase.com)
556 points by pen2l on Sept 13, 2022 | 288 comments
27. Ask HN: What's the best lecture series you've seen?
777 points by cauliflower99 on Jan 31, 2023 | 271 comments
28. Ask HN: How did Sam Altman fail upward so well?
245 points by VirusNewbie on Jan 21, 2023 | 118 comments
29. Peter Thiel on Failure
2 points by InfinityX0 on Dec 13, 2016 | 2 comments
30. In defense of linked lists (antirez.com)
603 points by grep_it on Nov 4, 2022 | 501 comments

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