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1. Show HN: Wealthfolio: Private, open-source investment tracker (wealthfolio.app)
859 points by a-fadil 1 day ago | 249 comments
2. Vizdom: Diagrams as Code (vizdom.dev)
110 points by s0l0ist 6 days ago | 63 comments
3. Buy, Borrow, Die – Explained (reddit.com)
597 points by nkurz 7 days ago | 475 comments
4. Building LLMs from the Ground Up: A 3-Hour Coding Workshop (sebastianraschka.com)
967 points by mdp2021 6 days ago | 133 comments
5. Show HN: InstantDB – A Modern Firebase (github.com/instantdb)
1145 points by nezaj 16 days ago | 297 comments
6. Show HN: BudgetFlow – Budget planning using interactive Sankey diagrams (budgetflow.cc)
275 points by mkrd 31 days ago | 95 comments
7. Launch HN: Roame (YC S23) – Flight search engine for your credit card points
192 points by zman0225 40 days ago | 130 comments
8. Engineering principles for building financial systems (wasteman.codes)
403 points by KothuRoti 58 days ago | 104 comments
9. Ibis, a federated Wikipedia alternative (ibis.wiki)
163 points by chasingtheflow 5 months ago | 252 comments
10. LaVague: Open-source Large Action Model to automate Selenium browsing (github.com/lavague-ai)
378 points by DanyWin 5 months ago | 95 comments
11. Spreadsheets are all you need (spreadsheets-are-all-you-need.ai)
1493 points by evanmays 5 months ago | 164 comments
12. Diffusion models from scratch, from a new theoretical perspective (chenyang.co)
379 points by jxmorris12 6 months ago | 40 comments
13. Run Mistral 7B on M1 Mac (wandb.ai)
111 points by byyoung3 8 months ago | 51 comments
14. Form to DB (formtodb.com)
210 points by donjh 6 months ago | 128 comments
15. Show HN: RAM Prices (ramstickprices.com)
241 points by generalizations 6 months ago | 165 comments
16. Javalin – a simple web framework for Java and Kotlin (javalin.io)
168 points by saikatsg 6 months ago | 84 comments
17. Show HN: I made an app that consolidated 18 apps (doc, sheet, form, site, chat…) (nino.app)
810 points by harrisonlo 8 months ago | 258 comments
18. [flagged] Build a startup or side project faster with these SaaS templates (hackerstartup.com)
117 points by jranand 8 months ago | 52 comments
19. What's the Best City for Techies in 2024? (overthinkingmoney.com)
35 points by gsaines 9 months ago | 86 comments
20. Show HN: DataSheetGrid, an Airtable-like React component (react-datasheet-grid.netlify.app)
342 points by nick-keller 10 months ago | 77 comments
21. Hard-to-swallow truths they won't tell you about software engineer job (mensurdurakovic.com)
796 points by thunderbong 10 months ago | 758 comments
22. Ask HN: What are you passionate about at the moment?
370 points by kurtdev 10 months ago | 843 comments
23. Grist is a modern, relational spreadsheet (github.com/gristlabs)
471 points by protontypes 10 months ago | 173 comments
24. Home schooling's rise from fringe to fastest-growing form of education (washingtonpost.com)
507 points by cs702 10 months ago | 1425 comments
25. Ask HN: Best Tech Courses/Certifications Under $400 for a Back End Engineer?
107 points by ridiculous_leke 10 months ago | 65 comments
26. Ask HN: Tips for Solopreneur?
223 points by solo_prono 11 months ago | 79 comments
27. The Ideological Subversion of Biology (skepticalinquirer.org)
14 points by kgwgk on July 29, 2023 | 2 comments
28. Show HN: I spent 2 years building a personal finance simulator (projectionlab.com)
766 points by scubakid on July 24, 2023 | 288 comments
29. Icon Buddy – 100K+ Open Source SVG Icons, Fully Customizable (iconbuddy.app)
488 points by mddanishyusuf on July 23, 2023 | 52 comments
30. Undb – Private first, unified, self-hosted no code database (github.com/undb-xyz)
171 points by nichenqin on June 20, 2023 | 50 comments

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