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1. My Overkill Home Network (networkprofile.org)
590 points by monstermunch on Aug 10, 2023 | 454 comments
2. [dupe] Pirate Weather (pirateweather.net)
290 points by edward on March 27, 2023 | 88 comments
3. Kids who get smartphones earlier become adults with worse mental health (jonathanhaidt.substack.com)
427 points by civeng on May 15, 2023 | 395 comments
4. Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first” (simonwillison.net)
3363 points by simonw on Feb 15, 2023 | 1673 comments
5. Matter – The Foundation for Connected Things (csa-iot.org)
118 points by ohmyblock on Oct 4, 2022 | 2 comments
6. A Framework for Engineering Managers (github.com/jorgef)
427 points by aviramha on July 28, 2022 | 66 comments
7. $9.99/month (basicappleguy.com)
390 points by sashk on July 17, 2022 | 476 comments
8. StopTheMadness – Take back your web browser (underpassapp.com)
127 points by sogen on June 4, 2022 | 50 comments
9. What Java Modules Are About (inside.java)
124 points by pjmlp on Sept 11, 2021 | 91 comments
10. Domain-Driven Design (verraes.net)
247 points by ingve on Sept 27, 2021 | 191 comments
11. Every engineer should do a stint in consulting (cloudirregular.substack.com)
321 points by forrestbrazeal on Sept 16, 2021 | 172 comments
12. Ikea Vindriktning Air Quality Sensor Review and Accuracy (airgradient.com)
495 points by ahaucnx on Dec 6, 2021 | 163 comments
13. Ask HN: Advice about aging parents
291 points by tren on Dec 3, 2021 | 230 comments
14. OpenLGTV: Legal reverse engineering and research of LG TVs firmware (openlgtv.github.io)
602 points by transpute on Nov 25, 2021 | 302 comments
15. Designing 2D graphics in the Japanese industry (vgdensetsu.tumblr.com)
361 points by tosh on Dec 8, 2020 | 71 comments
16. Western Digital admits 2TB-6TB WD Red NAS drives use shingled magnetic recording (blocksandfiles.com)
719 points by guiambros on April 15, 2020 | 305 comments
17. Ask HN: What landing page do you love?
199 points by richardreeze on Jan 5, 2020 | 147 comments
18. Debugging Network Stalls on Kubernetes (github.blog)
180 points by chmaynard on Nov 22, 2019 | 47 comments
19. Build Your Own X (github.com/danistefanovic)
867 points by hakanderyal on Nov 2, 2019 | 63 comments
20. Boeing Engineers Lost Control of the Company (perell.com)
352 points by davidperell on Oct 20, 2019 | 213 comments
21. In Defense of Richard Stallman (greer.fm)
744 points by ash on Sept 30, 2019 | 607 comments
22. A Kernel Engineer at Microsoft's Answer to “What Do You Think about ReactOS?” (quora.com)
532 points by whereistimbo on July 3, 2019 | 276 comments
23. Raspberry Pi 4 (raspberrypi.org)
2504 points by MarcScott on June 24, 2019 | 837 comments
24. John Carmack on QuakeWorld latency and business model (1996) (githubusercontent.com)
395 points by undefined1 on May 15, 2019 | 162 comments
25. Elixir, Phoenix, Absinthe, GraphQL, React, and Apollo (schneider.dev)
526 points by schneidmaster on April 21, 2019 | 153 comments
26. Why I Don't Sign Non-Competes (penguindreams.org)
335 points by djsumdog on March 21, 2018 | 282 comments
27. Ask HN: How do you start giving tech talks?
222 points by litzer on July 28, 2017 | 89 comments
28. Why I Only Work Remotely (medium.com/yanismydj)
316 points by ylhert on Dec 21, 2016 | 182 comments

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