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1. Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models (ssrn.com)
573 points by mellosouls 38 days ago | 208 comments
2. Jaq – A jq clone focused on correctness, speed, and simplicity (github.com/01mf02)
440 points by tmcneal 7 months ago | 229 comments
3. Opusmodus: Common Lisp Music Composition System (opusmodus.com)
179 points by zetalyrae 7 months ago | 68 comments
4. The Accidental HFT Firm (2018) (archive.org)
127 points by Twixes on June 10, 2023 | 90 comments
5. Redis (code.google.com)
23 points by davidw on Feb 25, 2009 | 11 comments
6. Pwn.college (pwn.college)
339 points by throwaway_7718 on Feb 24, 2020 | 35 comments
7. [dupe] Let Children Get Bored Again (nytimes.com)
399 points by paulpauper on Sept 15, 2019 | 240 comments
8. Engineering management lessons (2014) (defmacro.org)
517 points by mzehrer on May 20, 2017 | 109 comments

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