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1. How to design and manufacture your own chip [video] (youtube.com)
178 points by caustic 16 days ago | 32 comments
2. 10 > 64, in QR Codes (huonw.github.io)
332 points by yvan 3 months ago | 78 comments
3. Ask HN: What things are happening in ML that we can't hear over the din of LLMs?
364 points by aflip 3 months ago | 99 comments
4. Vernor Vinge has died (file770.com)
1151 points by sohkamyung 3 months ago | 320 comments
5. On light, colors, mixing paints, and numerical optimization (github.com/miciwan)
190 points by ibobev 4 months ago | 21 comments

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