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1. How to Think for Yourself (paulgraham.com)
1090 points by neilkakkar on Nov 27, 2020 | 816 comments
2. New 50-metre deep crater opens up in Arctic tundra (siberiantimes.com)
302 points by wglb on Aug 30, 2020 | 109 comments
3. Learn TLA+ (2018) (learntla.com)
387 points by brodo on April 14, 2019 | 92 comments
4. Ask HN: What are the best textbooks in your field of expertise?
850 points by lainon on Sept 30, 2018 | 272 comments
5. TidalCycles – A language for the Live Coding pattern (tidalcycles.org)
163 points by bojo on March 24, 2017 | 57 comments
6. Parallelization of SAT Algorithms on GPUs [pdf] (inesc-id.pt)
65 points by setra on Feb 17, 2017 | 18 comments

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