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1. Free DDNS with Cloudflare and a cronjob (github.com/devrim)
337 points by aesopsfable 46 days ago | 195 comments
2. Show HN: I made a tool to turn boring GPX files into cool videos (avomap.com)
24 points by zitscher 68 days ago | 16 comments
3. River: A fast, robust job queue for Go and Postgres (brandur.org)
360 points by bo0tzz 9 months ago | 104 comments
4. Pricing Money: A beginner's guide to money, bonds, futures and swaps (jdawiseman.com)
866 points by mhh__ on June 16, 2023 | 306 comments
5. Apk.sh is a Bash script that makes reverse engineering Android apps easier (github.com/ax)
401 points by petodo on Dec 17, 2022 | 88 comments
6. Ask HN: What are some of the best documentaries you've seen?
650 points by rasulkireev on Sept 11, 2022 | 555 comments
7. Why are D-sharp and E-flat considered to be two different notes? (ethanhein.com)
368 points by tobr on Aug 28, 2022 | 343 comments
8. We reduced 502 errors by caring about PID 1 in Kubernetes (about.gitlab.com)
116 points by TangerineDream on May 18, 2022 | 84 comments
9. Safer Enums in Go (npf.io)
95 points by tempodox on May 14, 2022 | 119 comments
10. Running GUI apps within Docker containers (trickster.dev)
330 points by rl1987 on March 26, 2022 | 102 comments
11. CXX – safe interop between Rust and C++ (cxx.rs)
301 points by synergy20 on March 10, 2022 | 76 comments
12. Yesterday, US grounded all planes on the west coast for ten minutes (kion546.com)
282 points by dmitrygr on Jan 11, 2022 | 238 comments
13. Why is my Rust build so slow? (fasterthanli.me)
298 points by jacobwg on Dec 30, 2021 | 214 comments
14. Show HN: Automatic proxy setup for SSH'able boxes that have no network access (github.com/akselallas)
51 points by WinDoctor on Dec 3, 2021 | 32 comments
15. Useful sed scripts and patterns (github.com/adrianscheff)
528 points by adrianscheff on Nov 12, 2021 | 121 comments
16. Sensible macOS Defaults (github.com/mathiasbynens)
342 points by garrtt on March 19, 2021 | 176 comments
17. A visual guide to SSH tunnels (robotmoon.com)
963 points by brendanfalk on Feb 7, 2021 | 80 comments
18. How long does a bottle of wine last after it is opened? (vinography.com)
305 points by devilcius on Jan 23, 2021 | 305 comments
19. Ask HN: How do you handle recurring payments in 2021?
53 points by colesantiago on Jan 2, 2021 | 29 comments
20. Using Alfred to open your GitHub repositories in the browser (mmazzarolo.com)
81 points by mmazzarolo on Nov 8, 2020 | 31 comments
21. Office Drama on macOS (objective-see.com)
160 points by LaSombra on Aug 11, 2020 | 91 comments
22. Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to stop mindless browsing (getintention.com)
519 points by namukang on April 21, 2020 | 138 comments
23. Phelia – React for Slack Apps (github.com/maxchehab)
164 points by maxchehab on April 20, 2020 | 12 comments
24. Mycroft – An open-source voice assistant (mycroft.ai)
431 points by doener on March 27, 2020 | 113 comments
25. OpenLayers (openlayers.org)
316 points by devicetray0 on Dec 10, 2019 | 88 comments
26. Ask HN: Best book / resources on leadership, especially for tech teams?
882 points by learnaholic on Dec 5, 2019 | 209 comments
27. CMU Computer Systems: Self-Grading Lab Assignments (2018) (cmu.edu)
206 points by georgecmu on April 28, 2019 | 46 comments
28. Ask HN: What did you find in your DNA using 23andme?
50 points by choot on Nov 14, 2018 | 63 comments
29. Material Design 2.0 in React Native with React Native Paper (callstack.github.io)
88 points by satya164 on Sept 6, 2018 | 14 comments
30. Mozilla Overhauls Speech-To-Text Contribution Interface (voice.mozilla.org)
237 points by blendergeek on July 1, 2018 | 42 comments

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