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1. Learning about PCI-e: Driver and DMA (davidv.dev)
229 points by todsacerdoti 64 days ago | 23 comments
2. Git-PR: patch requests over SSH (pico.sh)
209 points by steventhedev 77 days ago | 103 comments
3. Zilog Z80 CPU – Modern, free and open source silicon clone (github.com/rejunity)
362 points by jnord 5 months ago | 71 comments
4. Life is a Game that you can learn by learning these rules (engineeryourexistence.com)
18 points by benoitmalige 5 months ago | 15 comments
5. Logik: Open-source FPGA toolchain by Zero ASIC (github.com/zeroasiccorp)
120 points by jasondavies 5 months ago | 35 comments
6. Hyprland Crash Course (xd1.dev)
120 points by gchamonlive 6 months ago | 70 comments
7. Interval Parsing Grammars for File Format Parsing (2023) [pdf] (acm.org)
63 points by vitplister 6 months ago | 7 comments
8. From Nand to Tetris (2017) (nand2tetris.org)
667 points by mikpanko 9 months ago | 174 comments
9. Show HN: Rot - Offline secrets management (github.com/candiddev)
116 points by candiddevmike 9 months ago | 13 comments
10. Marker: Convert PDF to Markdown quickly with high accuracy (github.com/vikparuchuri)
683 points by sebg 10 months ago | 95 comments
11. Show HN: A new stdlib for Golang focusing on platform native support (github.com/primecitizens)
154 points by Leotard6963 12 months ago | 82 comments
12. LibrePCB (librepcb.org)
453 points by WallyFunk on Sept 28, 2023 | 183 comments
13. Verilog to Routing (verilogtorouting.org)
107 points by stefanpie on Sept 25, 2023 | 29 comments
14. LaTeX for tabletop (vladar.bearblog.dev)
148 points by gaws on Sept 17, 2023 | 59 comments
15. Pineapple ONE: open-source 32 bit RISC-V CPU that you can make at home (pineapple-one.github.io)
481 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 16, 2023 | 61 comments
16. FindMyCat – Open-Source Pet Tracker (findmycat.io)
615 points by popey on Sept 15, 2023 | 368 comments
17. What does it take to make your own integrated circuits at home? (hackaday.com)
105 points by wslh on Aug 28, 2023 | 22 comments
18. Block YouTube ads on AppleTV by decrypting and stripping ads from Profobuf (ericdraken.com)
1198 points by rolph on Aug 27, 2023 | 626 comments
19. Add $4 WiFi Logging to IKEA’s $12 Air Quality Sensor (Wemos and Vindriktning) (hackaday.com)
173 points by ck2 on June 11, 2023 | 39 comments
20. Air quality monitors: paying more does not get you more accuracy (airgradient.com)
369 points by ahaucnx on June 7, 2023 | 213 comments
21. Fq: Jq for Binary Formats (github.com/wader)
670 points by ingve on June 3, 2023 | 114 comments
22. CI/CD with KiCad and Gitlab (sschueller.github.io)
232 points by sschueller on May 12, 2023 | 65 comments
23. Show HN: PineTool – An iOS Companion for the Pinecil (lachy.io)
95 points by lachyio on April 30, 2023 | 17 comments
24. Your First LTE (open5gs.org)
222 points by teleforce on April 26, 2023 | 66 comments
25. Booting Modern Intel CPUs (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
403 points by zdw on April 17, 2023 | 126 comments
26. Build 5G networks using open-source software, general-purpose hardware (2021) (pubpub.org)
180 points by teleforce on April 17, 2023 | 38 comments
27. Hell Never Ends on x86: The Hyperspace Story, Continued, Sort Of (cohost.org)
276 points by zdw on April 10, 2023 | 75 comments
28. Adding an ISA Slot to a Modern Motherboard [video] (youtube.com)
116 points by zdw on March 22, 2023 | 67 comments
29. BNF was here: What have we done about unnecessary notation diversity (2011) [pdf] (grammarware.net)
60 points by susam on March 19, 2023 | 33 comments
30. The FBI now recommends using an ad blocker when searching the web (standard.co.uk)
734 points by taubek on Feb 23, 2023 | 430 comments

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