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1. Mediocre Engineer's Guide to HTTPS (super.site)
314 points by MediumD 59 days ago | 35 comments
2. Most of Europe is glowing pink under the aurora (foto-webcam.eu)
1623 points by luispa 75 days ago | 378 comments
3. Online Cryptography Course (2017) (stanford.edu)
377 points by Tomte 83 days ago | 57 comments
4. Programming Is Mostly Thinking (2014) (agileotter.blogspot.com)
891 points by ingve 3 months ago | 322 comments
5. A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics (southernct.edu)
314 points by Keegs 3 months ago | 69 comments
6. Show HN: Hancho – A simple and pleasant build system in ~500 lines of Python (github.com/aappleby)
162 points by aappleby 4 months ago | 56 comments
7. CS 6120: Advanced Compilers: The Self-Guided Online Course (cornell.edu)
461 points by swatson741 4 months ago | 102 comments
8. The Top of the DNS Hierarchy (computer.rip)
178 points by mrzool 5 months ago | 61 comments
9. Think Python, 3rd Edition (allendowney.github.io)
553 points by beefman 5 months ago | 125 comments
10. Mastering Programming (2016) (tidyfirst.substack.com)
284 points by BerislavLopac 5 months ago | 117 comments
11. How to Study (2023) (buffalo.edu)
275 points by Tomte 5 months ago | 91 comments
12. A distributed systems reading list (ferd.ca)
330 points by davidw 5 months ago | 56 comments
13. The man who coined the word "robot" defends himself (ieee.org)
145 points by jruohonen 6 months ago | 116 comments
14. 1D Pac-Man (abagames.github.io)
1790 points by memalign 6 months ago | 229 comments
15. Hidden gems of moreutils (jpospisil.com)
228 points by jiripospisil 6 months ago | 59 comments
16. JWST Images of 2023 (bigthink.com)
41 points by Brajeshwar 7 months ago | 8 comments
17. Show HN: Play a pen-and-paper game that is almost unknown in the US and Europe (paper-tactics.com)
303 points by Kharacternyk 7 months ago | 83 comments
18. Hard-to-swallow truths they won't tell you about software engineer job (mensurdurakovic.com)
796 points by thunderbong 8 months ago | 758 comments
19. Role of Algorithms (matklad.github.io)
186 points by GlobalFrying 9 months ago | 51 comments
20. Pulsars, not dark matter, explain the Milky Way’s antimatter (bigthink.com)
241 points by PaulHoule 9 months ago | 128 comments
21. Introduction to Linux interfaces for virtual networking (2018) (redhat.com)
195 points by teleforce 10 months ago | 13 comments
22. The Raft Consensus Algorithm (2015) (raft.github.io)
343 points by oumua_don17 10 months ago | 76 comments
23. How to edit your own lousy writing (2017) (stingingfly.org)
174 points by Curiositry 10 months ago | 72 comments
24. AI real-time human full-body photo generator (generated.photos)
747 points by bookofjoe 11 months ago | 358 comments
25. The Next Next Job, a framework for making big career decisions (andrewchen.com)
35 points by yarapavan 11 months ago | 11 comments
26. The Sad Bastard Cookbook (traumbooks.itch.io)
654 points by throwaway154 11 months ago | 433 comments
27. Our Plan for Python 3.13 (github.com/faster-cpython)
531 points by bratao on June 15, 2023 | 399 comments
28. Implementing a distributed key-value store on top of implementing Raft in Go (eatonphil.com)
272 points by simjue on May 25, 2023 | 79 comments
29. A detailed comparison of REST and gRPC (kreya.app)
94 points by CommonGuy on April 26, 2023 | 69 comments
30. A visual book recommender (nathanrooy.github.io)
410 points by squidhunter on April 27, 2023 | 54 comments

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