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1. Large language models are having their Stable Diffusion moment (simonwillison.net)
811 points by simonw on March 11, 2023 | 369 comments
2. Common tech jobs described as cabals of Mesoamerican wizards (etiennefd.substack.com)
368 points by betolink on Aug 23, 2022 | 127 comments
3. The casualties at the other end of the remote-controlled kill (nytimes.com)
102 points by igonvalue on April 16, 2022 | 135 comments
4. Sandwell Bitcoin mine found stealing electricity (bbc.co.uk)
205 points by frereubu on May 28, 2021 | 239 comments
5. [flagged] "Irssi does not take a political stance" (github.com/irssi)
49 points by waon on May 27, 2021 | 28 comments
6. Patch Critical Cryptographic Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows [pdf] (defense.gov)
714 points by Moral_ on Jan 14, 2020 | 228 comments
7. Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study (cbc.ca)
785 points by simonebrunozzi on Sept 27, 2019 | 368 comments
8. Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++ (gitbooks.io)
87 points by febin on Dec 28, 2018 | 2 comments

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