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1. Vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19 mortality [pdf] (borsche.de)
360 points by black6 on Aug 5, 2020 | 256 comments
2. Building DIY LED strips for fun (wholelottanothing.org)
100 points by MindGods on July 19, 2020 | 33 comments
3. Show HN: A completely different way to write responsive, vanilla, CSS (propjockey.github.io)
248 points by JaneOri on July 17, 2020 | 45 comments
4. JavaScript for Impatient Programmers (exploringjs.com)
239 points by MindGods on June 30, 2020 | 127 comments
5. PHP Insights: Analyze the code quality of PHP projects (phpinsights.com)
150 points by MindGods on June 26, 2020 | 41 comments
6. Amazon Honeycode – build web and mobile apps without writing code (amazon.com)
603 points by bscanlan on June 24, 2020 | 319 comments
7. Video Games Are the Future of Education (nabeelqu.co)
478 points by nqureshi on June 21, 2020 | 378 comments
8. Expose – A fully open-source ngrok alternative written in PHP (github.com/beyondcode)
98 points by mpociot on June 17, 2020 | 43 comments
9. Solid – A declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces (github.com/ryansolid)
373 points by revskill on May 31, 2020 | 171 comments
10. AWS services explained in one line each (adayinthelifeof.nl)
1668 points by jaytaph on May 26, 2020 | 344 comments
11. Code in the Browser with GitHub Classroom (github.blog)
150 points by amasad on May 26, 2020 | 41 comments
12. How to Center in CSS (2015) (howtocenterincss.com)
161 points by HeinZawHtet on May 19, 2020 | 69 comments
13. Want to build a side business? buy a great domain name (deepsouthventures.com)
306 points by whalesalad on May 19, 2020 | 217 comments
14. Learn Go: Hand-crafted Go exercises and examples (github.com/inancgumus)
222 points by inancgumus on May 16, 2020 | 66 comments
15. How to manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript only? (htmldom.dev)
1149 points by velmu on April 2, 2020 | 515 comments
16. Professional and Home-Made Face Masks Reduce Exposure to Respiratory Infections (2008) (nih.gov)
42 points by fortran77 on March 5, 2020 | 37 comments
17. Stage is a minimalistic 2D, cross-platform HTML5 game engine (piqnt.com)
319 points by summarity on Feb 11, 2020 | 60 comments
18. Pharo 8.0 (pharo.org)
237 points by estebanlor on Jan 20, 2020 | 95 comments
19. Grumpy Website – a blog about everything wrong with modern web & tech (grumpy.website)
359 points by Nextgrid on Dec 25, 2019 | 159 comments
20. Cancer Treatment: China Mulls Looser Experimental Therapy Rules (bloomberg.com)
56 points by lxm on Dec 16, 2019 | 41 comments
21. Tools we used to create a hit HTML5 game on Steam (codecks.io)
637 points by riadd on Nov 19, 2019 | 201 comments
22. Show HN: Tailwind Builder – online editor for the Tailwind CSS framework (tailwind.build)
295 points by kemyd on Nov 4, 2019 | 43 comments
23. Dark mode in a website with CSS (tombrow.com)
491 points by teaspoon on Oct 8, 2019 | 189 comments
24. Web Development Simplified with Svelte (objectcomputing.com)
254 points by gavreh on Sept 26, 2019 | 159 comments
25. Show HN: I built an online image editor using WebGL and CSS transforms (pqina.nl)
425 points by rikschennink on Sept 16, 2019 | 72 comments
26. Minify Your SVGs (victorzhou.com)
264 points by vzhou842 on Aug 12, 2019 | 65 comments
27. High levels of oestrogens in the womb linked to autism (sciencedaily.com)
253 points by LinuxBender on Aug 1, 2019 | 174 comments
28. Colleges improve website accessibility as they are defendants in lawsuits (ithacajournal.com)
166 points by ohjeez on June 19, 2019 | 183 comments
29. Researchers use lasers to detect and destroy tumor cells in melanoma patients (ieee.org)
203 points by headalgorithm on June 12, 2019 | 40 comments
30. YC's request for startups: Government 2.0 (blog.ycombinator.com)
196 points by simonebrunozzi on May 23, 2019 | 219 comments

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