This could potentially replace LogRocket / Bugsnag / Papertrail for our fly-hosted SaaS product. Only thing is, we're elixir based so I'd love to see an elixir client. I advise another company with a HIPAA compliant service and the self-hosted option would be huge for them. They're PHP / React so a PHP library would help out there.
Preface: I was not asked to write this and these are my own experiences with Highlight
As someone building a bootstrapped product with my co-founder [1][2] Highlight has been a pretty amazing time save for us; setting up session replaying + monitoring + logging took all of 15 minutes and let me get back to actually focusing on building the product.
We're running on DOKS (Digital Ocean K8s) due to my familiarity with the hosting stack, and I really didn't want to spend the time setting up a cluster agent + log rotation strategy.
Surprisingly, the popular logging providers out there today don't really have alternative quick-start solutions for shipping logs in clusters, but Highlight DID and it also came with error monitoring + session replays.
All in all I'm pretty happy with the product and looking forward to using it more as we approach our product's soft-launch date at the end of this month with some select clubs.
Am I the only one is getting pretty bored of "formula for success" content?
This essay and other's like it, without evidence or data, implies that some of us know the formula for success. I get it, the things that change convention are unconventional at first. This is the definition of unconventional. I agree with the general vector of his essay but this is just boring to me.
Here is my formula for success (in case anyone cares): Enjoy life, try to make the world better, be a good person, go towards your passions (whether for hobby or career) and cultivate relationships because that seems to be the thing people regret most when they die.
Now, let's move on to to the actual unconventional ideas and observations.
Rule number one for a Q&A site should be to not land you on a marketing landing page as main page. Put your questions as main page.
Your layout is having issues atm. It shows less questions in a single screen as compared to SO. It is quite an eyestrain with all the colors (every tag another color, multiple colors in design, icons I do not understand like the eyes etc.) I see comments run out of my screen on ios, iPhone 11 max.
In this space you have one big competitor. Your landing page, which you so prominently slammed in my face, should state why you are worth switching to. Right now you give 3 things that SO already has for ages (and better). In addition to all the things they have and you miss it makes it unlikely I will visit again..