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It's all designed. Top down, one mind. Designed. That's why it all works.

Think about all the cells, and the thousands/millions of jobs they do, in perfect coordination just in your fingers or hands.

It's all designed.

never thought I'd see a creationist on hn. Giraffe's have a nerve that goes all the way down the neck and back up, merely because it couldn't unwrap from a vein as giraffes evolved longer necks. No designer would include such a needless waste of resources. If there's a watchmaker, he's a blind idiot.


There is not some guy coordinating all our cells to grow and work in lockstep. It's actually just a few very simple algorithms (e.g., cells differentiation is triggered by strength of a signal, a la HOX genes) that have been very slowly refined over millions of generations of evolution.

Just because the output of a system looks complicated does not mean that the input into a system is complicated.

The most probable scenario for inorganic matter to be arranged and organised into a living, homeostatic self replicating machine, is for a number feature complete systems (including hardware and software) to appear all at the same time.

If you don't start with all of them in place, the organism dies, and fails to benefit from both time and natural selection.

Even in this model there are many chicken / egg scenarios. e.g. Every cell needs a membrane to survive, but how does a membrane benefit a cell if it has no ports built in to let waste out and food in? So the wall and the access control systems must appear simultaneously, or the cell dies and does not benefit from natural selection.

Another one is DNA, it's information storage, but it's inert, it doesn't do anything except be acted upon by other systems, but DNA holds the information to create those systems. So how were the systems consistently replicated before information storage systems like DNA?

You probably don't care about this because you seem to be answering something he didn't suggest... But he's not saying that every cell in our bodies is being actively managed by another being, he's saying that cells have been designed to self-coordinate.

Anyway, just food for thought for other readers who may also have these questions, you're not alone, and it is worth investigating because the current paradigm is in crisis and it's not worth basing your life decisions on their ideas anymore.

On what basis do you say that it is the most probable? It seems highly improbable to me that a mind could exist before living tissue exists, when every single example of a mind that we have studied depends on living tissue for its existence. It seems even more improbable to me that this mind could somehow intricately shape the universe. Through which mechanisms? Magic? The idea that lifeforms as we know then today were created whole cloth by an intelligent being of unclear origins and properties poses more questions than it answers.

On the other hand, there are plentiful examples of extremely simple lifeforms in nature, and there are also non-living things in nature that display phenomena that early simple lifeforms could have utilized (e.g., membrane-like structures that are spontaneously formed by phospholipids). There are still a lot of questions and unknowns here, but not nearly as many, and scientists are on a general trajectory of answering them at a fairly quick clip — whereas theological questions about the creation of living organisms are largely just as unanswered today as they were hundreds of years ago.

A different but popular notion is that a creator created the universe (effectively by sparking something like the Big Bang), but the lifeforms that followed evolved as scientists believe. This, to me, is far more plausible. As yet, we do not have any other good explanations for how the universe came into existence, and so this deistic hypothesis is as good as any other I have heard.

It’s a shitty designer that includes cancer et. al. in the spec.

exactly and clearly. Stray chance, dump nature ,blind force, unconscious casuality and the elements that without restriction are scattered in every direction -none of these can have any part in the most balanced,wise perspicacious, life giving ,orderly and firm deeds of the Creator. They are used ,rather by the command will, and power of the Glorious Doer as an apparent wil to conceal of His power.

According to the meaning of the verse: Who has created everything in the best way,(Quran)

everything is cut out according to its innate abilities with perfect measure and order, and put together with the finest art, in the shortest way, the best form, the lightest manner, and most practicable shape. Look at the clothes of birds, for example, and the easy way they ruffle up their feathers and continuously use them. Also, things are given bodies and dressed in forms in a wise manner with no waste and nothing in vain; they testify to their number to the necessary existence of an All-Wise Maker and point to that Possessor of Absolute Power and Knowledge

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