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I choose to agree. To close ones mind to a conclusion (that there is a creator) is as illogical as blindly assuming there is a creator just because somebody said there was.

One of the things that's always baffled me, and I say this completely honestly, is that if somebody looked at something like a Boeing 747, any high rise building, or well constructed, artistic looking bridge, and said "wow, evolution is amazing!" we would think them insane. But do that with something as intricate as a feather, or the brain (of any animal) and it's immediately acceptable.

Then there's the second law of thermodynamics, which seems to be ignored by evolution, where it seems to be accepted that entropy decreases over huge amounts of time.

The second law of thermodynamics doesn't apply to a system where we are constantly adding external energy.

If we start we just a handful of seeds and externally add energy in the form of sunlight then over eons we will have a massive forest that covers the globe. That doesn't disobey the second law of thermodynamics.

Our planet has continuous inputs of external energy.

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