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Evolution in humans, from an atheist perspective, is consistent with the idea of a designer: humans are the designer.

Sexual selection in humans is a psychological phenomenon, and it’s subject to all of our most hifalutin ideas.

You have an opinion about what “god” wants and express it through sexual selection, thus influencing our collective evolution in that direction.

Also ironically, by the time we became able to conceive of and communicate about such ideas, natural evolution has long stopped being the driving force behind how humans and human groups look and grow and evolve.

Evolution is still very much a driving force in humanity. Every time a couple struggles to get pregnant, every time birth control fails and results in an unplanned pregnancy, every time someone decides to be child-free, every time someone dies young, etc., etc., humanity evolves toward one genotype over another.

If anything, I would argue that human evolution has accelerated in the last few decades (at least in wealthy nations where people have a lot of control over their reproduction and enormous choice in who they marry, if they marry at all).

But why do they want what they want, and how much agency is there really anyway ?

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