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Well, as somebody who likes complaining, I don’t like your new title either; evolution doesn’t ‘invent’ anything, and anthropomorphising it just confuses people (see also generative ai, grumble mutter).

Oh, I agree! But I did not want to make more than one change at a time ;)

> evolution doesn’t ‘invent’ anything

Really? I think it kind of does invent. Trial and error. Back propagation. Mutation. Some randomness at conception. Sure it's a personification, but not a bad one.

Evolution doesn't do back propagation.

The evolutionary fitness of a particular adaptation helps spread the genes that causes the adaptation. I think backpropagation is a very apt description for that phenomenon

That's propagation.

I stand corrected. Thanks.

There is zero science to back that up, natural selection ≠ evolution.

What a pedantic take. I’m sure you would prefer a lot of things, but changing the title of an article you didn’t write or publish is a stretch. The articles showing off a very interesting aspect of nature and ‘one of [the] cleverest inventions’ is a fine headline without questioning how many other ‘inventions’ have occurred that might also be clever in the hopes of changing it. They’d also be ‘one of the cleverest’ if and when they get their own article.

I thought this was a aaron comment at first, then I saw a reply button, and whitewashed comment below.

I'm sorry, but no: such comparisons make for clickbaity headlines. I don't like clickbaity headlines.

> Pet peve: I don't like superlative descriptions. They're often counterproductive, because they call for a rebuttal.

Pet peeve: People who HAVE to rebut things like superlative descriptions. They're always counterproductive, because literally nothing actually called for a rebuttal. It clutters up the conversation much worse than "well, actually" corrections.

>literally nothing actually called for a rebuttal

Aside from the initial false claim, you mean?

> Aside from the initial false claim, you mean?

Well, yes, we're talking about the superlative in the title. Everything else might be nonsense and is fair game.

I thought "one of" is a weasel qualifier here?

Indeed, but it still unconsciously invites controversy (in my opinion) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i don't like people who spam "well ackkktually" and make it so entire categories of phrases need to be eliminated to appease their neurosis.

It's a form of tone policing ... "I don't like superlatives so you don't get to use them."

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