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I wrote a bookmarklet to delete stuff like this without opening the inspector:

  javascript:(function(){document.styleSheets[0].addRule(".highlighted_to_remove","background:red !important");var e=function(e){if(e.keyCode==27){i()}};document.addEventListener("keydown",e);var t=function(e){e.stopPropagation();this.classList.add("highlighted_to_remove");return false};var n=function(e){e.stopPropagation();this.classList.remove("highlighted_to_remove");return false};var r=function(e){this.parentNode.removeChild(this);i();e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();return false};var i=function(){var i=0;var s=document;while(s=document.body.getElementsByTagName("*").item(i++)){s.removeEventListener("mouseover",t);s.removeEventListener("mouseout",n);s.removeEventListener("click",r);s.classList.remove("highlighted_to_remove")}document.removeEventListener("keydown",e)};var s=0;var o=document;while(o=document.body.getElementsByTagName("*").item(s++)){o.addEventListener("mouseover",t);o.addEventListener("mouseout",n);o.addEventListener("click",r)}})()
Post about it: https://plus.google.com/114437281866675781856/posts/hkp9F9Wr...

Nice. I think your bookmarklet stretched the hacker news comments page.


Works like a charm in Chrome. Not so in Firefox. I'm on a Mac.

So did I!

    javascript:var cursor = document.body.style.cursor; document.body.style.cursor = "crosshair"; var killer = function (event) { document.body.style.cursor = cursor; if (event.target.parentNode) event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target); window.removeEventListener('click', killer, false); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }; window.addEventListener('click', killer, false);void(0)

Improved version:

    javascript:(function(){var e=document.body.style.cursor;document.body.style.cursor="crosshair";var t=document.createElement("div");var n="border:1px solid #3280FF;background-color:rgba(50,128,255,0.5);position:absolute;z-index:999999999999999;display:none;";var r="pointer-events:none;";var i="transition:width 60ms,height 60ms,left 60ms,top 60ms;";n+=r+"-webkit-"+r+"-moz-"+r;n+=i+"-webkit-"+i+"-moz-"+i;t.setAttribute("style",n);document.body.appendChild(t);var s=null;var o=function(e){var n=e.target;if(n!==s&&n.parentNode){var r=n.getBoundingClientRect();var i=document.documentElement;var o=document.body;var u=i.clientTop||o.clientTop||0;var a=i.clientLeft||o.clientLeft||0;var f=window.pageYOffset||i.scrollTop||o.scrollTop;var l=window.pageXOffset||i.scrollLeft||o.scrollLeft;var c=l-a+r.left-1;var h=f-u+r.top-1;t.style.display="block";t.style.left=c+"px";t.style.top=h+"px";t.style.width=r.width+"px";t.style.height=r.height+"px";s=n}};var u=function(n){document.body.style.cursor=e;if(n.target.parentNode)n.target.parentNode.removeChild(n.target);if(t.parentNode)t.parentNode.removeChild(t);window.removeEventListener("click",u,false);window.removeEventListener("mouseover",o,false);n.stopPropagation();n.preventDefault()};window.addEventListener("mouseover",o,false);window.addEventListener("click",u,false)})();void(0)
"Source": http://jsfiddle.net/udzP3/

Thank you for this! It looks pretty awesome.

Signing up to be notified of "my city" doesn't seem to work in Opera 11 or Chrome latest on Windows.

Thanks for letting us know. We're fixing this as we speak.

I call bullshit. If you have flash disabled or set on-demand in your browser preferences, there is no change in the overall speed or responsiveness of your device, in comparison to flash not being installed.

I left flash enabled. Obviously disabling would do the same as uninstalling.

Go read the HN guidelines, too BTW.

Check again - this isn't independent OLED key screens like the Optimus was/is. It's a single, plain LCD underneath some hard plastic keys with a window in the right place.

Market costs $25 to submit to, as well.

- We are sorry -

Browser error

Your browser is not compatible with the application (supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome)

(Running Opera on OSX.)

EDIT: it's worse than that, read the bottom of the sys requirements: "Note: The user must have administrator rights to the computer he is using."

So they're installing some shitty Windows-only plugin?

I'm impressed by your ability to deduce whether or not a plugin is shitty based solely on what OS it runs on.

I don't know about others, but we put all our iSCSI stuff on a physically disparate network, separate NICs, separate switches.

Doesn't help if someone has physical access to the datacenter, but that's a given.

Would it not be the case, that a compromised machine that was mounting iSCSI, might then be able to access the hidden admin feature? It could then mount other volumes read-only and read data meant to be private...

Not necessarily. In most cases administration access to these things are on an entirely separate network from connection protocol. Having an iSCSI / nfs connection isn't enough; you'd also have to be on the same network as the management interface.

It's a SAN device with a ton of drive bays. We've got a few and they seem pretty speedy, haven't had an issue with them. I'm already investigating what generation we have - but I'm almost certain our initial setup on at least one was using the admin !admin credentials, which means that it's documented _somewhere_.

Just had a quick look through some of the setup docs, and I can find "manage / !manage" as a given, but not admin / !admin (yet).

My favorite part is where they threw it all out, reset to 2003 codebase, and started from scratch basically, 18ish months before release.[1]

So from a technical standpoint, Vista took longer [5 years] and had less development time [under 2 years] actually make it into the product. (Yes, code they already had they could and did reincorporate into the final product, but still, wow.)

[1] http://blogs.msdn.com/b/michkap/archive/2005/10/16/481625.as...

This post is full of snark by the way, but it is useful to know what went wrong with Vista. (TL;DR: Management of very large software development is _hard_)

I use tasker to emulate a feature that Apple devices have: separate volume levels for speaker and headphones (not sure why Android doesn't already have that).

Set a task that runs when headphones are plugged to set the media volume to x, and an exit task to set it back to y when they're unplugged. Simple.

"not sure why Android doesn't already have that"


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