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Then they will have learned a valuable lesson

Dang, the level of engineering to recreate what is essentially a VHS

The electro mechanical engineering inside a VHS player is so much more impressive.

I find so much of modern technology to be a huge step backwards.

Example: People used to call friends over a land line and tell them to tune into the movie on whatever channel and they’d watch at the same time together from two different places. Doing anything like that with modern tech is such a hassle these days that no one does it anymore.

Tried Streamio? I think it has that exact feature. Not tried it yet but given everything else just works I imagine that will too.

How does it handle the problems with drm?

It sidesteps that problem...

> You could set her back 8 iOS versions and she probably wouldn't notice. Because she uses none of the hundreds of features released since.

Not a chance. I think she would immediately notice because the web of today is always going to be far more bloated than the web of eight generations ago.

Trying any dated browser+hardware combo on the modern web is noticeable to all users I feel.

Hopefully it will also work with apple tv

I thought this was pretty normal for anyone writing code in larger code bases in these slow to compile languages in the first place…

> However, Swift's biggest problem is that any usage outside of the Apple ecosystem is a second(or third) class citizen. Until this is solved, Swift will remain mostly an Apple only language, regardless of how nice it is.

I think a time goes on this is more and more only a perception and not a reality. However perception is really important because it’ll mean even if it’s a great language with a great set of tools and libraries for all platforms it will not have a community of developers outside of the Apple ecosystem.

The issue is not "as time goes on".

The issue is now - the use of Swift outside of the Apple ecosystem is remarkably stifled, given the lack of Apple support.

A language truly acquires mainstream mindshare and community, only if it can extend its use beyond Apple's OSes.

> given the lack of Apple support.

It’s an open source project that’s more and more detached from Apple itself every release, with lots of contributors making it better and better on Android and windows all the time.

It is possible to get a vscode ide environment working for cross platform development and debugging today, which was not that easy or possible even a few years ago.

There is at least one pretty sizable software project that has shipped a product on Android and windows using swift.

I think swift 6 is going to be great for cross platform uses, but convincing folks to try it still won’t be easy.

> Unfortunately his domestic achievements have been somewhat mediocre.

The airlines would like all of your money next time they cancel your flight.

I’m convinced the only reason Apple invented continuity is so that people don’t realize that they only need one or two devices total.

Learning to count bits without a calculator can be learned, but spite… ahh, spite is a gift from the gods.

And these sorts of hazing rituals are how that changes.

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