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as all programming comes down to pointer twiddling, either under or over the hood, is any language turing complete?

Sure; one of the simplest languages possible, the binary lambda calculus [1] is Turing complete. It has no pointers, no variables, and no data type sizes. Only functions (from functions to functions). Everything else must be built out of functions.

Brainfuck with an unbounded tape length is similarly Turing complete.

I think less esoteric languages like Haskell and Scheme qualify too.

[1] https://www.ioccc.org/2012/tromp/hint.html

but under the hood (the implementation of an actual programming language) it is all pointers - not?

The article admits that real machines have bounded memory, the argument is about language specifications only.

A person ELECTED for president of the USA came from show business - Reagan.

A demented figurehead with other people behind him directing the show. It's as if acting was the perfect training for the worst idea for a position in a system of checks and balances.


Biden was never an entertainer like the other 2 demented old men (entrusted with WMDs) under discussion.

If we send you to space you'll have to pass a fitness test.. Because we aren't stupid?

But sure, anyone in the middle of a psychotic break who can't tell fact from fiction should be fine for the entirety of national interests. Shoot down another plane for the old Gipper!

> If we send you to space you'll have to pass a fitness test.. Because we aren't stupid?

The real problem societies face is reaching a good fitness test for decision makers.

That includes voters - discriminating, promoting, managing (etc.) the best electorate. And we had more focus and success in the past (abbeys, Venice etc.) than in the present, where the matter of electoral systems is kept like a theoretical branch of political science. And in running reality, people get Gerrymandering - an _opposite_ effort.

That's a problem, but I think the problem is checks and balances for actual repairs to the checks and balances that would restrict a role are prohibitely hard to make while privilege escalations enlarging a role are at best temporarily denied.

Mr Trump was supposed to be picked up by a military tribunal and probably executed. Whether that tribunal system is overreaching would have been an excellent discussion, after the execution.

That "fitness test" would be measuring a person's maturity, or better said "lack of immaturity". How to measure maturity might just be the most important measure ever devised by the human race, because it would enable US, the humans being led by our democracies, to finally demote the power hungry smooth talking immature, short sighted leaders.

As did Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

I don't think he can run for office in the US so this is false.

You chose to take an ambiguous statement that could be read as true or false, and call out the false interpretation. Of course the true statement was the intended meaning, as I’m sure you knew.

If I remember correctly, Trump was also elected once, as stupid as that is.

He dabbled in show biz though.

It was a dreaded feature of one job I had way back when, supporting a server for static trading data (counterparty info, and other stuff) for sites in London, Hong Kong and New York. We all hated it, until one day one of the guys "lost" the support laptop on the Tube. We then did a bit of scripting and fiddling with permissions so that the guys in HK and NY could fix all common problems by "turn it off and turn it on again" magic.

Bye-bye support trauma.

there was a bad time in the 1960s, when this article was published, but the pubs that are managing to survive nowadays (non-survival for a variety of reasons - covid, taxation to name two) are much better than suggested.

Out of curiosity, I googled several of the pubs he mentioned. All but one* was still around.

*I found a pub called the Ranelagh, but it’s not in Pimlico, so I assume it’s a different one. It was the one he described as “really terrible,” so no big loss, I suppose.

Addendum: the other interesting thing I noticed was the ones he derided as having been “modernized” in the 1960s were also newly renovated today, with airy, Scandinavian, 2020s aesthetics. Presumably because unlike the traditional pubs, the 60s style became dated pretty quickly.

There is a pub called The Ranelagh in Bounds Green, North London which is near to what used to be a Middlesex Polytechnic site where the computer centre was located (DEC 10, two IBM 4381s, several VAXen and a couple of Primes) and where I worked in the mid to late 1980s. It was a hole then (still there, but I haven't been in for many years), but that didn't stop us programmers drinking there.

Much denser world network now

If they can survive being converted in housing stock. They are disappearing fast.

have you read any of the arrant nonsense he comes out with?

Right, but "psychopathic scammer" dials the criticism up a few notches, possibly to unreasonable levels - which i suspect is the point being made here.

(That's certainly the point I'd have been making if I'd written the post you replied to.)

terracotta army?

not to be horrible or picking on you, but it is "rogue". i would have thought that most people here would have come across games featuring a "rogue 5hp hit, 8 sneak" character to be able to spell this right, but almost everyone does it wrong. ok - picky, picky me.

It's a little much to say almost everyone does it wrong. More likely, since it's something that catches your notice, you probably have a bias for noticing/remembering when it's incorrect and not noticing when it's correct. It could also just be a simple typo or an autocorrect error for any given occasion

Yea, I’d say most people get it right. It’s not a misspelling that I see often.

Wait until they have to spell the name of the character stat that determines if they are strong or not.

until the moonbases need moon-orbiting comms satellites?

With no atmosphere, laser links might be better; like Starlink is working on for inter-satellite comms.

True. The reason could be that the Earth interference is worse and less controllable.

> do not believe that such a big teletype has existed.

Decwriter II, according to wkipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DECwriter. I've actually used one of these, but I can't remember the printing width.

Thanks for the link.

Nevertheless, I see that Decwriter II was not a true teletype. It was a teletype emulator derived from a dot-matrix printer and it was introduced very late in the evolution of computers, in 1974, at a time when the true teletypes had already become obsolete and more than two decades after the line printers that have established the standard width of 132 characters.

Decwriter II could provide a width of 132 characters only because the dot-matrix printer on which it was based was built to be able to use the standard line printer continuous perforated paper of 14 inches, like most other dot-matrix printers.

It is likely that Decwriter II has been used much more often as a remote teleprinter than as an interactive teletype and in the latter case it was used only because some users were forced to use it because their bosses did not buy decent computer terminals for them.

Those wide DECwriters were the standard console terminals for DEC systems in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is the only kind of terminal shown on the cover and interior of DEC's VAX-11/780 Hardware Handbook [1] (especially see Preface p. x)

We had two of these, for our VAX 11/780 (delivered 1980) and PDP 11/23 (1981).

You wanted a printed record of everything that happened at the console. A system crash would print a register dump and other information that would scroll out of sight on a video terminal (there were no scrollback buffers then).

1. https://course.ece.cmu.edu/~ece447/s15/lib/exe/fetch.php?med...

Teletype Model 38 (essentially a wide version of the 33 with a two-color ribbon) could print 132 columns as well.

That is interesting, but Model 38 was also a very late model (1972), launched at a time when teletypes were becoming obsolete and more than two decades after the line printers that have established the 132-character width.

The existence of such very late wide teletypes did not have any influence on the appearance of the 132-character width, which had been used in line printers since around 1950.

how, when and why can close() fail? and what can you do about it if it does?

Fails if (say) OS can't write out pending cache and confirm data written to device.

Causes include memory failure, drive cable melted, network cable pulled, etc.

What to do?

How important is the data being written? Is the only copy of just aquired data from a $10 million day geophysical survey? How much time and resources can you spend on work arounds, multiple copies, alternative storage paths, etc.

In aquisition you flush often, worst case lose a minute rather than a day.

In, say, seismic quisition, you might aquire audio data from microphone array and multi track raw audio to SEGY tape banks AND split raw data to thermal plotter AND processing WHERE RAW DATA -> (digitally to DAT AND hard drives) and through processing WHERE COOKED DATA -> digital storage.

In processing pipelines a failed write() or close() isn't so bad, you flag that it happened and you can try to repipe the raw data to get a savable second result.

Ultimately you want human operator control on what and when to do something - it's a hardware problem or resource starvation at the root.

Handling it this way in a user process is insane and essentially cargo culting. If your data is that valuable, you have redundant systems.

Custom hardware, custom real time kernel (acquisition|processing DSP boards) + loadable RT firmware, custom kernel + comms + window manager on main terminal.

Other than the recording redundancies described (raw analog logged, raw digital logged, raw paper chart created, cooked data logged, cooked paper chart, (raw | cooked each on tape, disk, paper) what are these "redundant systems" that you speak of?

Keeping in mind, of course, that the client has raw data, etc. on the contract as deliverables.

Do you imagine two full ships pulling two full microphone arrays to offset a rare (but happens) recoring failure? Now you've doubled the per dium costs and halved the area that can be covered in a typically short season.

Do you imagine one ship pulling two arrays that magically don't tangle? It doesn't work that way.

The goal here, of course, is to do all that as feasibly possible upfront in order to minimise aquisition time on the water and to ensure that all pings | booms | etc and their returns to multiple mic's recorded so the ship doesn't have to do a repass.

Expand on your non cargo culting non insane design ideas for 1970-1990s offshore seismic exploration by all means as what you intend isn't clear in your terse comment.

Keep in mind your design will need to be moved on and off arbitrary ships and will operate in places like the North Sea, Spratly Islands, etc. and will have to survive the pitch and toss of stormy weather (eg: attention to card fit in bus backbone).

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