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Party maybe, your company hard no.

I love fs.blog, a relevant one for this is the chauffeur test from https://fs.blog/two-types-of-knowledge/

Love the passkeys & Sqlite setup, I'll be giving this a try. What did you use for the passkey integration? We just shipped https://www.npmjs.com/package/@lo-fi/webauthn-local-client to help people do in browser auth.

You can play with our demo experience at https://vella.ai/auth

Hey, thanks! Let me know if you have any feedback

Our backend is in go, so the passkey support is from this impl https://github.com/go-webauthn/webauthn

We are launching https://vella.ai so folks don't have to resort to crazy solutions like these.

Folks from the local-first movement https://lofi.software are coming together to do something special and we would love your feedback on our landing page & value prop.

See below > https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39445887

We are actively looking for a solution, drop a line in the thread

I'll add to this gratitude thread.

Martin has had a material impact on my career. I don't think I would have gotten my job at LinkedIn if it wasn't for his book, Designing Data-Intensive book: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensiv...

I learned how to build a web application with FE, BE, DB, and distributed workers for my first job. But it wasn't until I read his book that I understood the enormous gap between building web apps and planet-scale web applications. The book saved me from bombing my interviews.

Well said. After linear.app showed the jump in UX for local data ('moving databases as close to users as possible') it became really easy to answer the questions below by saying checkout linear.app

* Why do we need local-first? * We don't need offline support * Google already has all my data, don't care about data ownership (a little orthogonal)

ElectricSQL folks are crushing it, by far the most impressive solution for 'collapsing the stack'. Checkout https://electric-sql.com/blog/2024/02/05/local-first-ai-with... for a sneak preview of the in-device ai talk

I know, this has come up a few times. We will have a matrix bridge soon. Do you have any leads for a peer first community software with good adoption?

I have a short list that I'm testing but none of them have the features we need: 1) Live video 2) # channels and 3) adoption

Even moving off Twitter has been a challenge but I am optimistic about bsky

P2P Matrix (https://arewep2pyet.com) is our answer to peer-first community software, but it's currently on hiatus thanks to funding issues. The best I can propose is normal Matrix - and then when P2P comes along, it'll replicate onto clients as easily as it replicates onto servers today.

Meanwhile, bsky is perfect for twitter replacement, imo,

Will keep an eye out

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