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A bit off topic, but why does Medium add random numbers and chars at the end of their URLs like the example below[0]? That's annoying and distracting when referring from other platforms. Is that a git hash or something? If so, can I check revise history of the article?

[0] https://medium.com/@soleoshao/how-i-used-docker-for-latex-on...

The hash at the end of the URL is actually the article ID, the part before that is just for SEO/readability, and has no affect on loading the article.

e.g.: omitting the article title from the URL still works (https://medium.com/@soleoshao/cd29c0713cad) as does changing it to something else entirely (https://medium.com/@soleoshao/i-like-turtles-cd29c0713cad)

Both those URLs still load the article in question.

The other random numbers they used to add after the article ID were for tracking purposes but it seems like they recently backed off on those.

yeah, recent Microsoft attitude for development tools is excellent. They opensourced a lot of codes, released Visual Studio Code,and integrated Windows with bash shell. I assume Apple is becoming less dev-oriented company, seeing they are making light of pro tools like MacPro and function keys.

While I agree... MS DevDiv must be an interesting place to be right now. The Linux subsystem for Windows sucks so bad, and the windows containers for docker feels half baked as well... Use the msys bash that comes with git instead.

That said, I'm happy to see this and do hope to see a similar effort for Linux as many Mac users are starting to move on. This may well be an indication that the next VS on Windows may well be based on the MD base... Should they want to unify that.

I've been very happy with VS Code for my needs all the same. Can't recommend it enough for js/Node.

I'm taking a more drastic way; turning media.{mp4, webm, ...}.enabled into False never let YouTube and other media autoplay(even play nomally) without any addons. When I want to watch videos, download them by youtube-dl and watch locally.

You download YT videos before watching them? Seriously? Sometimes the suggestions on HN are literally insane in the amount of effort people go through to avoid things that wouldn't be a problem in the first place if you did something simple like use adblock software.

I saw some other post where a guy hand edits tens of thousands of entries in his hosts file... yeah dude what an amazing use of time.

Watching later with youtube-dl is actually the recommended way to do YouTube on OpenBSD; various "OpenBSD as a desktop OS" tutorials mention it, and in practice it works very well. On that particular OS it is due to the lack of a native Flash plugin, but even with YouTube offering most of their videos via HTML5 it actually makes for a better experience to download and then view them. I'd imagine it could even be automated trivially, by calling youtube-dl via a browser plugin, or by writing a script to pass YouTube URLs to with a simple GUI thrown together in FLTK or TCL/TK.

As for the hosts file, a hand-edited file works great, and you don't have to do thousands of entries on your own. You can find some great examples all over the web, then tune them to your own needs, saving a lot of time. For example, there are at least two out there for Windows 10 users to block all communication with Microsoft's servers, avoiding any telemetry and tracking by the OS. If your router is smart enough, you can even upload your hosts file to it to block any device on your network from getting ads and being tracked.

> actually makes for a better experience to download and then view them.

Can you specify how? I was doing this when I didn't have enough RAM for the Youtube player with latest Firefox and it's not what I personally felt. The current player has size options (larger or full-screen), annotations and comments can be disabled (e.g. with Adblock lists). In the end it's always having the video canvas in front of your eyes. Maybe integration with a tiling WM?

> I'd imagine it could even be automated trivially, by calling youtube-dl via a browser plugin, or by writing a script to pass YouTube URLs to with a simple GUI thrown together in FLTK or TCL/TK.

Existing means for VLC integration aren't that bad either.

> Can you specify how?

For me it was because Firefox on OpenBSD, even on a modern, fast system (quad core AMD64 with 8GB RAM), is so slow and stuttery with any streaming video it was too painful. Using youtube-dl and playing it via mplayer worked much better, and you can customize mplayer's controls to mimic YouTube's if you like (though I never bothered).

VLC is another great option, it's designed for streaming so yes that would be a great alternative. I personally don't use VLC on non-Windows OSes except on Haiku.

I've used to employ a similar work flow to GP until a few years ago when video support finally got acceptable in web browsers. I still download talks rather than watch them on youtube or if I want to insure the future availability of the video.

If the current web works well for you then great, but it would be naive to think that it fits everyone's use case (Even more so to label what they need to do as "insane").

there are browser addons that directly pass the current site's URL to mpv, which in turn uses youtube-dl to fetch the contents. so it's pretty much 1-click playback.

> You download YT videos before watching them? Seriously?

I do this because the YouTube website (when the player is present) is too slow for my device. It adds about 5 seconds, nothing terrible.

the change to the hosts file is actually a really good idea. it is reliable and doesn't trip up ad blocking detectors. perhaps its greatest benefit is that it's a change that only has to happen once and everyone else who also wants to can benefit from it [0]. so your assertion is valid, even though it was sarcastic, that it is an amazing use of one's time.

[0] https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts

Link to the guy who does this?

It might be this one from another comment


    notify-send "Downloading - $url"
    youtube-dl -o - "$url" -f 43 | mplayer -
Whatever is in your default xsel buffer gets streamed to mplayer, if you bind it a keyboard shortcut (I use alt+shift+y (for Youtube)).

Makes life a lot more convenient :)

Why would you want that?

One good reason for me personally is to insure future availability. As I type this, there are a couple of videos in my watch-later playlist that have been replaced with "video removed".

My Watch Later is like 100 videos long. Ain't nobody got time for that.

youtube-dl can download lists of videos.

It also automatically doesn't download things you already have, so it can be used periodically to sync the list if you want.

It only really matters if you expect videos to go down, but I also have my small collection of "videos that were obviously going to be taken down".

This is one of the best features (apart from channel backups).

I think because of its name people also don't realize that youtube-dl works for LOTS of other sites and it's relatively easy to add new sites in as well.

You're posting on HN, I would think you would find a way to automate it. ;-)

I believe youtube-dl is capable of downloading entire lists, but I don't know if the watch-later list behaves as a normal list. One way to find out.

I use butterflies to watch videos http://xkcd.com/378/

FastMail is great and their web interface is really light and fast, but the pricing[0] doesn't fit me. I want to use my custom domain as an email address, so I have to choose the `Enhanced` plan ($40 USD per 1 year). That also provides 100 domains and 500 domain aliases, it is a bit overwhelming for personal use. I hope they would make a new middle-class plan between `Full` and `Enhanced` with Cal/Card DAV features.

[0]: https://www.fastmail.com/help/ourservice/pricing.html

And...this is why nobody can make any money providing decent services on the Internet, and as a result we're all subject to a constant onslaught of intrusive and scammy advertising. And those of us who might have been creating useful services are instead spending our time building ever more bogus advertising platforms...

There's a pretty big gap between $40 and "nobody can make any money".

Not really. Try running a service where you charge users. $40 per account is near the lower bound considering transaction costs and other overheads, before you add in the actual cost to provide the service. Any less and you may as well make it free since you don't need to provide reliable service or support for freeloaders.

What about the family or business plans? They seem to have custom domain even at the lite option.


Oh, that's interesting. I've been wanting to use a custom domain just for forwarding, and the enhanced personal plan seemed like overkill. I'll have to look into the limitations of the lite family plan.

It says no custom domain support. I only see it at the enhanced option, just like personal.

Uh, it says "Use your own domain or one of ours" at the top. That sounds to me like you can use a custom domain with any family plan, Lite and Full included. Are you sure that isn't the case?

100 domains / 500 aliases is just a limit to prevent abuse in my opinion. What the step from full to enhanced earns you is 15 times the storage, the ability to use your own domain(s), and full mobile sync, at twice the price. It seems rather fair to me (I'm on enhanced, ~3GB of email, 1 custom domain, mobile sync).

Fastmail has a family plan that costs $5/year (in addition to your normal account cost) and lets you use personal domains. That is the reason I'm looking at them as it was the best price I could find for such a service.

> $40 USD per 1 year

Curious, do you think you would have perceived the price differently if it had been presented as $3/mo?

Was in the same boat, when looking to leave Gmail.

Now I pay 18€ per year for custom domain support, 10 aliases, 10GB mailbox, 50MB attachment, IMAP, ActiveSync, CardDAV, CalDAV. Webmail is handled by sOGO, roundcube, squirrelmail, support is fast and tickets get answered in couple hours max. Service is in EU.

Where's that?

Wow, I didn't know that sublime forum had migrated to discourse platform. Looks great.

It's good hey! I ran a small POC project using discourse and really enjoyed it, there were a few UX / workflow related things that needed fixing but over all the community really enjoyed using it.

Yeah, it happened maybe a month ago?

Is that because of all the forum spam? I went to the forum a month or two ago looking for an update on where Sublime was at and it was just overrun with junk posts.

I presume so, at least that would've played a big part in it.

As a moderator of the forum, I try my best to keep on top of it. The old forum didn't have mail notifications or a decent spam blocker, so it was a lot of manual work.

"Yarn for Hacker News" can both comment and post from Android devices. And using the browser share bottun, you can post stories to HN. Also can open comment links from other apps. It's very useful, but only hope it would be able to change font size. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.timmutt...

Is this another book, too? https://leanpub.com/intermediatepython very confusing

Author here! This is totally unrelated to the posted book.

I'm looking forward it becomes v1.0. Gogs requires less system resources than GitLab.

I also hope FireFox would prevent HTML5 YouTube videos form autoplaying and autoloading. They will implement a such feature in the next version, but it doesn't seem to work properly now (It's beta, I know). And it's not clear to stop autoloading, either. Does anyone have a good idea to block autoplay and load HTML5 videos?


I think it would be possible to configure noscript to allow scripts, but require a click to play media (I haven't actually tried it like that, since I just keep almost all scripts blocked anyway).

NoScript has a configuration option allowing you to set HTML5 content as click to play.

I can't find it. Is it not in the options GUI?

Did you try the "Embeddings -> Forbid <AUDIO> / <VIDEO>".

But then how would we Rickroll people?

I also want to build a self-host data completion proxy on my own. But the more web sites support SSL connection, the less impacts on the data completion in the future I think. WWW are moving toward the all encrypted internet, so is this kind of technologies a temporary stuff? Or is there a possibility to reduce data transfers under the SSL protocol?

You can mitm yourself with no problem. Firefox has the option to ignore pinned certificates if you have valid user installed certificate as trusted root.

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