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I felt a need for this long time ago, but since i use emacs, I just created a "bugs.org" file at the root of the project directory

invent a time machine

got reminded of the book "Siddhartha" by hermann hesse

"After listening to the river, Siddhartha’s biggest insight is that time is an illusion and that life is not a continuum of events, but instead is omnipresent. Eternity springs from the world’s unity. Understanding the past and the future as part of the present is a major component of achieving enlightenment."

Functional programming is probably the most misunderstood idea by programmers today, There are 2 types of people

1. Purist functional programmers: These are the ones who try hard to separate the side effects in your code from the pure functions and make sure every line of code they write is pure, they avoid using variables, avoid assignments at any cost. there's nothing wrong in being a purist, but sometimes, people also try to write a lot of concise code with a lot of magic underneath which has it's drawbacks.

2. Pragmatists: the one's who believe you can do functional programming in any language, be it C, C++, Java, Haskell, Lisp, Go etc if you focus only on the benefits of functional programming, you can get it without really being pure in "every line of code you write" - for instance, if i have to write a function that takes a list and gives the length back, i could either use the fancy map/reduce etc or have a "local" variable declared inside a function and increment it for each element in the list and return the final result.

Well, you might say mutating a variable is not functional programming - but i don't care, my function is still pure and it is referentially transparent and i don't have to think a lot about the various choices that i may have to do the same thing (map, reduce, etc etc). if you have read the book called "paradox of choice", it clearly explains how having multiple choices hinders your happiness and scala always reminds me of that problem, having 100 ways to do a simple thing slows you down and hinders your productivity. That's one of the reason why language like Go made the spec so simple and there's always only one way to do anything syntactically.

I think functional programming should be looked at in a more pragmatic way - how do i achieve all the advantages of functional programming like doing a bottom up design, immutability, testability, readablity etc without really using a specific functional language/syntax which i agree makes it a bit easy for you syntactically, but hey "concise is not always clear" and your end goals are more important than the syntaxes

> Well, you might say mutating a variable is not functional programming - but i don't care, my function is still pure and it is referentially transparent and i don't have to think a lot about the various choices that i may have to do the same thing (map, reduce, etc etc).

I completely agree with this. I think the core advantage of functional programming is the ability to generalize across contexts, which is what makes the purity of the function an important feature. The standard library for Scala is full of while loops and mutable buffers, because if the function call is pure you can then optimize performance through these.

If I make a new context “HasLength” with a single function, “length” and implement it for List, it doesn’t matter how that “length” function is implemented, just that the only context it is bound to is the List one. On the other hand, when implementing “length” for a distributed context, the map-reduce way is probably much easier and more efficient to implement rather than trying to coordinate sistributed variables manually.

Well said. I enjoy being in the first camp on personal projects--it's a very fun mental exercise. It's made me a better programmer in my day-to-day, and I like the mind-expanding moments you have when a wordy math concept (monads, kleisli, applicatives, etc..) finally makes sense to you.

That being said I try to firmly plant myself in the second camp at work. As you describe, it's more about the overarching lessons we take away from functional programming. Shared mutable state is scary, referential transparency and purity are easier to reason about, push IO/mutation/scary "complex" things to the edges of your program, etc.

Bottom-up design is a good description. I try to shoot for a functional core with a flexible shell. It lends itself well to the testing story, where the core is covered by unit tests (trivial when coding with pure functions) and integration tests give me confidence in correct behavior at the edges.

You complain that:

> Purist functional programmers (...) avoid using variables

Variables are pretty much unavoidable, unless you want to program in a combinator calculus (think SK(I) or BCKW). Few functional programmers, “purist” or otherwise, want to program without variables. But perhaps you mean “assignables”?

> (...) also try to write a lot of concise code with a lot of magic underneath which has it's drawbacks.

Let's call things by their proper name. It's not “magic”. It's incomprehensible code.

That being said, in my experience, functional programs are usually easier to understand than their imperative counterparts. When an imperative program is straightforward, it's usually (though not always) because it's a straightforward translation of a functional program, as in your loop accumulator example.


You suggest that:

> you can do functional programming in any language, be it C, C++, Java, Haskell, Lisp, Go etc if you focus only on the benefits of functional programming

The following point has been made several times by several people, but apparently it hasn't been made enough times, so I have to restate it: Functional programming means programming with (mathematical, there is no other kind) functions. Recall that a function is a mapping from values to values, so you have to define interesting[0] values before you can define interesting functions. Recall also that two values are equal precisely when they are indisinguishable[1]; for instance, it doesn't make sense to make a distinction between “this 2” vs “that 2”, because they are equal anyway.

Unfortunately, in languages such as Lisp, Python, Java, etc., it is impossible to define values by aggregating simpler ones (e.g., pairs, lists, trees, etc.) in a way that respects the indistinguishability of equal values. Everything has an object identity that permeates the structure of the entire language. It can't be abstracted away. It can only be ignored by social convention, because no sound technical reason justifies it. In other words, you don't have aggregate values, you have proxies for aggregate values that only exist in your mind. Making things worse, an object that's a proxy for a value might become a proxy for a different value (or even not a proxy for a value anymore!) later on. The object identity of the proxy is most certainly a value, but it is not the value you actually want to manipulate.

This foundation is too weak to do functional programming.



[0] By which I mean “related to your problem domain”.

[1] This is called Leibniz equality.


There are a lot of web developers (aka full stack developers) out there!

This reminds me of Godel's proof - A formal system (axiomatic system) cannot be complete and consistent at the same time!

Each side of the argument have their own set of premises/axioms to come to certain conclusions but there are always unknown truths which people tend to ignore. if there are no unknown truths then the argument should be contradictory


- "how to solve it" by george poyla

- asking more "why"s to problems

True. I'd add: think more about outcomes and not products. Software enables. It should improve the life of the user.

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