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Why not mention let's encrypt and caddy?

HN is filled with this kind of crap these days

The "why I dropped to found a startup" genre would be more interesting if we got to see how well it turned out. Most of these stories I've seen are written when the startup still has 0 users.

This one claims to have some "traction." I don't see how many users that is, or whether they've built something sustainable yet.

But, if anyone dropped out a couple years ago, and has some results to talk about... I'm curious whether these ever turn into something.

Exactly - every week some douche is writing shit all over the place. Unless they talk about the product this is just pointless information people have to know.

It's not crap. It's someone's life. It just makes you (us) feel bad because they appear happier than we are.

It's kitschy schlock that makes Horatio Alger look like Voldemort.

I would agree with you if there wasnt a dozen posts on HN each week along the lines of "[How/Why] I [verb]'d [occupation] to [verb] [activity]"


Agree to disagree.

Such a great article! - something nice at the HN top after a long time.

This is awesome!


http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/financialHighlights?sy... - seems like its 48.1% - any one knows how we can report this to Google?

Apple time to make some friends :-)

what a joke!

Loneliness probably has a new meaning! - 52hz and 2 decades on - a whale trying to communicate has been so lonely in the vastness of sea. It is truly invigorating and unimaginable .. Their 10million years of evolution far greater than the Man himself must be a remarkable insight towards our own evolution. Reading this story i kind of feel moved and touched at a much deeper psychological level than ever ...

Their 10million years of evolution far greater than the Man himself

Nah. We've all had exactly the same length of evolution.

We have had 3.5 - 4 million years. Whales evolved from mammals which went back into 'sea' .

I don't know about you, but my ancestors have been evolving for a lot longer than 4 million years.


if you think Proteins are your common ancestor Yes, btw you don't have to know me to know 'what is correct' :-)

I think we have common ancestors with whales a lot more recently than proteins. It doesn't matter: we have common ancestors with them, therefore we've been evolving the same length of time.

> btw you don't have to know me

This is the internet, where no-one knows if you're a non-DNA based lifeform -- as your first comment seemed to suggest.

140 characters is equally smart and equally shameful for Internet from where i see it. Twitter will do what fits its revenue model relentlessly and ruthlessly, since its logical and rational. Point is since you can't fight it "Kill It" and build a new one.

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