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This. And give your drop-in a prefix like 00-*.conf.

Fwiw I don't think SSH adds the include line upstream. Most distros add it now.

Yes. I had a hard time figuring out if a low numbered prefix got final say, or the high numbered one.

syncthing seems pretty solid to me and I've used it a little, but...

There's pushback on the killer feature that I want. I want to be able to sync photos from my phone and clear them automatically so I don't run out of room. I've been told there are ways to do this but they all feel brittle. Syncthing should be in a position to do this safely. E.g., I have 3 destinations and set a policy that photos can be cleared from my phone when they've reached 2/3.

SyncThing is in the perfect position to do a million different things, but they very strongly believe in not adding anything outside the core features set even if the code needed is already 99% there.

I'm glad they are sticking to the core, because the complexity, fragility and corner cases all make that 1% a worse experience for people who trust it to work reliably. In addition, of the out-of-scope suggestions I've seen, most are actually miles away from being available are completely inappropiate, or are so full of corner cases that they're right to be refused.

On the plus side, the source is all there and it's easy to compile, so that 1% shouldn't be difficult to fill by someone with a little knowledge.

I think a lot of people who want to give up Apple/Google Photos want a reliable replacement that's automated and protected against data loss

Someone needs to seriously create a solid off-cloud personal computing experience. Phones that don't record everything and sell it. How about all these laid off software engineers? Can you guys start something?

There is not one only solution for off-cloud computing, but there are solutions for different services. For photo and video storage instead of Google photo etc you may give a try to Immich.app, surely more suited for this job than Syncthing...

Google and Apple protect themselves against this by not allowing other apps to use these APIs on the OS . I think there are a lot of talented devs trying to make this work

This is easy with Syncthing. Just create a bindirectional sync and move away the data with cron.

i don't believe that will work reliably. cron risks moving a file that is not complete or a race condition where the complete file is moved away before synching verified that it is complete causing it to transfer it again. this can be avoided by only moving files that are a few minutes old but issues like this just make the process more brittle.

i want to use a tool that is reliable, not hack together a custom solution. if i did that, why even bother with syncthing?

That doesn't provide a guarantee that a file is on multiple replicas before deletion from the phone.

You could use Syncthing just to empty the incoming files from your phone (ingest) and then move the photos via cron to a second folder (also Syncthing) which is just shared with the replicas.

Another approach would be to push the files from Syncthing to borg (borgmatic can do replicas) https://torsion.org/borgmatic/

I import files from Syncthing folders into a git-annex on my NAS, where multiple copies are eventually guaranteed via sync to off-site mirrors (remotes).


i solve that by setting ignore delete on the backup destination, but that is an advanced setting hidden away that you have remember to turn on, and once you do and actually delete something from the source you keep getting that warning that the folder is out of sync.

so yeah, i want "backup" as a core feature with the appropriate settings as a default

This. I worked hard at Google for years because I was pationate about my projects and my colleagues. Then over the past few years especially starting around dragonfly and maven we started getting more of an us vs them culture pushed down from the top. Layoffs were the end for me. I didn't exactly quiet quit but I toned it down and only worked on what I absolutely felt like.

Then jumped over to a startup where we work hard but in a much more organic and empowering way. People come in when it makes sense.

To me startups just inherently have a bigger carrot at the end of the stick. being an early engineer in a successful startup can bring life-changing money. In a 1T company with 100,000 of engineers it just isn't possible to have that incentive. your best work is often a drop in the ocean that some VP will shelve at the fist sign of trouble. Yeah working weekends can get you that promotion quicker and give a salary bump, but it's not the same as watching the company IPO and becoming an engineer overnight.

> Instead of named arguments, use the functional optional pattern.

Options pattern is an alternative, I use it frequently, but still miss named arguments and default arguments if I'm going back and forth with Python.

- The options pattern is much more verbose to implement.

- The defaults aren't as easily clear, they need to be documented and kept consistent.

- You can't, or it's not as easy to, make some arguments required.

- And, as a caller, if the API I'm using doesn't support them, I sometimes have to rely on comments to clarify what each arg is. For example, if a function takes a bools like `func MyFunc(dryrun, inverse bool, items ...string) error { ... }`

Also the functional options pattern usually implies that there is an object on which the functions operate. Default values for parameters is something that can apply to any function, not just initializers.

I wonder if parent could give us an alternative for strings.Replace using functional options.

> all the politics, all the complacency, all the bureaucracy, and blame people for working from home.

IMO this came first and is a driver for people stepping back and defending their boundaries with Google. Most of the eng I know just cared about their work (some driven by the ladder, for sure). Google made it difficult and put a bad taste in people's mouths about "work[ing] like hell". Meanwhile, on the startup side that I've seen, people work a lot but in much more harmonious way.

GitHub offers a this OR that option which seems to work. Granted their userbase might be a bit more technical on average.

Why not remember how a user logs in with localstorage?

I like passkeys. I'm not able to be all in on them yet but I feel like they simplify my life. I have hardware keys and register all of them with sites that support them. Bitwarden for everything else.

I don't feel like that makes me dependant on any of the big tech cos, but I do recognize everyone won't be able to pull off such a setup.

My argument was never that tech-savvy individuals won't find a way not to be dependent on big tech. There will always be a few people from the previous era who find a way to be more independent. My argument was only about the majority, about the future of society, and how eventually people won't have much of a choice, because there will be future steps by big tech to integrate more and more people.

I've always wished the USPS would provide this as a service. I register my name and/or any number of virtual address aliases. Then, I privately keep the USPS up to date with a physical address for each alias.

You can take it even further and authorize requests for verification. E.g., I can let my car insurance company see my zip code, or even just get a yes/no that I live in a specific zip code.

It's been proposed, and rejected by USPS: https://s.ai/paf/

Fun read. I loved these games as a pre-teen/teen.

Since I'm a cynic in general:

> Cyan was likewise disinterested in pursuing other solutions that would have been even easier to implement than panning rotation, but that could have made their game less awkward to play...

I disagree with this paragraph.

I think back then, I thought this was intentionally helpful. Thinking on it now, I also think it was part of the character of Myst that would be too risky to lose for Riven.

I think "a compass would've been nice" is reasonable though and seems like a compromise that probably wouldn't've detracted noticeably.

Yeah, I agree: I think there are a bunch of little details that would have been VERY hard to find in a truly open world navigation setup. I do remember being bailed out by clicking around to find paths at least once.

> Will you ever increase prices? > No. Prices will never increase. Unlike other companies, we will never shutdown our service either.


If every other closed source SaaS platform who has made a similar claim is anything to go by: it will work until an an executive decides against it

Or maybe I'm just jaded to centralized platforms

Still a cool idea though

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