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I guess scala isn't already complex or rather implicit enough.

Is this implemented as a library or does it also require changes to the language/compiler?

It required a small language change, which I believe you can see in it's entirety here: https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/changeset/23993

I generally enjoy reading hn but such right wing ideologies make me feel sick in the stomach.

Please take into account when making such statements the US (or whereever you live) is not the world. And just because you got brainwashed after decades of conservative government doesn't mean the rest of the world is. But the rest of the world also participates in this community.

I generally enjoy reading HN, but reddit-style thought-policing like this makes me sick to my stomach.

The guy's not a rapist or a neo-Nazi, he's just not a socialist. Get over yourself.

This whole thread is EXHIBIT A of why there should be no politics here.

And the fact that this comment was modded up to eight "Waaaaah, your ideology makes me sick" is a sign that things have gone way off the rails.

I'm gonna set my noprocrast to 87000 minutes now and come back in two months.

People's ideologies do make other people angry though. Which is why they should be aired on other sites.

IS that the fault of the minority who thinks different and then angers the majority?

Or is that he fault of the majority who is so sensitive it cannot tolerate a minority that doesn't agree absolutely completely?

I don't care - I just don't want to see these endless debates here. They are always the same and go 'round and 'round and nothing is ever accomplished other than pissing people off.

As far as I can tell, the majority just wants the politics debates to stop.

In case it's not apparent from my comment, I agree 100%.

This is pure semantics but are you really comfortable calling anyone who doesn’t want a flat tax a socialist? Someone who doesn’t want a flat tax could have voted for any party in my country.

I was being a little facetious, yes, but if someone to be actually sickened by ebaysuck's position then that constrains my prediction of his beliefs a little more than just not wanting a flat tax for e.g. practical reasons. In other words, I don't think just anyone who doesn't want a flat tax would say what xtho said.

I'm an anarcho-capitalist i.e. I've never seen proof for objective morality of any sort (including democracy) hence I support free markets to make the rules of society by group selection and feet voting.

Just as humanity doesn't need a forced state religion to be religious, humanity doesn't need a forced tax system to be social.

Please consider this view point. Don't confuse personal ethics and political morality.

>I'm an anarcho-capitalist

Do you have any good (online) literature for your position? It seems to me that having money/bartering implies a government no matter how you slice it. I can see potential with some anarchical systems, just not primitivism or ancap.

From the Chicago School of Economics, there is David Friedman with "The machinery of freedom". [1]

A large part of the Austrian school of economics is also ancap. A great overview of the insights today can be found in "Libertarianism today" by Jacob Huebert. [2]

[1] www.voluntaryistpunk.com/ebooks/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf [2] http://mises.org/store/Libertarianism-Today-P10394.aspx

Edit: You talked about money in a free market. For that topic I recommend "What has government done to our money?" by Murray Rothbard. [3]

[3] mises.org/books/whathasgovernmentdone.pdf

Sigh, I think it is a damn shame that you were put to -1 for attempting to clarify. I'm happy to get you to zero.

Personally, I prefer the term "Abolitionist" to "anarcho-capitalist." I'm an abolitionist because, just like the movement of old, I endorse the abolition of slavery. Governments consider people property (the US taxes worldwide income) and believes it owns the output of said property.

Thanks. Abolitionist is also a good word indeed. Another one might be political atheism.

The downvotes are OK though. People feel very strongly about certain ideas for society and mistake freedom for critique on the idea instead of just on the method (coercion).

For some reason parts of the world got over religious coercion. One day we'll hopefully have the same for ideological coercion.

I'm really saddened to see that so many people have come to believe that thinking differently is wrong and should be suppressed. That coercion and violence against the innocent is the norm and that people who think that we should live free from violence and coercion are "right wing" and "brainwashed".

To tell him not to participate here because he thinks differently than you is to say that your mind is not open to new ideas and that you cannot bear to be exposed to anything that comes from a different philosophical basis than the one upon which you were raised.

Can you see how that is anti-intellectual?

I didn't tell him not to participate but I asked not to dump his view on other readers since this isn't a site about political or economic theory.

You should probably also have asked how many hours per week people work. There is little use in comparing people who work 20 hours per week with workaholics who do little else.

The jit has more information about runtime behaviour. The question is though whether haskell's or similar slightly more advanced type systems aren't able to compensate for that.

bibtex + file system

Since you majored in maths and physics, you have a lot of specialized knowledge. I'd rather build on that than trying to compete with younger, better trained, more skilled people on "general purpose" development tasks. I once worked with a physicist and it was rather tiresome because on the one hand he had that "hey, I was at cern, I am the smartest guy around"-attitude while on the other hand he was ridiculously incompetent when it came to solving basic tasks.

    And before you ask what about a method without an object, understand that they do not exist.
Technically, there are unbound methods (i.e. methods with no object) but you can't call them.

Technically they exist, but I think it's an oxymoron because it must be bound to be usable. To be honest, I still can't figure out a reason you'd ever use one.

Do you have an idea of when they're useful?

Perhaps more technically, unbound methods _are_ objects (as are [bound] methods, procs, etc.).

You are right of course.

"Other search engines decide to eschew Ads for accuracy and cut down the spamming, to gain market share."

This probably only works as long as they are small, i.e. of little importance. With market share comes the spam.

Anyway, I don't think google is that bad. At least, I don't find google any less useful than other general purpose, non-specialized search engines. I'm more concerned about their use of personal data.

They have had their chance to rename it to issue9 (http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=9). Unfortunately they didn't. They probably never googled for "go" when they chose the name.

Better results are had with "golang".

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