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As someone who have done this for more than 10 years professionally and being doing computer stuff since mid 90's, it was fun at first, but staring the computer screen is not good for one's health. Issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome or eye problems often comes up. Jobs involves staring at screen ought to limited to a few hour max per day.

Please read @hnlmorg in the sibling thread. PowerShell, etc seems to be ms business move to woo developers (oh we have a shell too now).

Thanks for the explanation. Is there a way to NOT use docker. For those of us who are NOT on linux, and are quite comfortable with postgres install and running. Would prefer just a postgres connection string.

We are actively working on adding a new install process to help users install Mathesar without Docker. We have an issue[1] to track it.

[1] https://github.com/centerofci/mathesar/issues/2427

To add to what silentninja said, we are already deploying Mathesar without Docker on some test servers, we just need to document our setup. Coming soon!

Hmm, wouldn't the same work on Linux or other Unixish system?

Yes, I was running the same setup, sans Qtractor, in 2009 using a Linux distro.

>it's getting email delivered to your recipients using Google or Microsoft severe email servers.

That's why one ought to do ip warming on the ip and contact different big email provider to get the ip white listed. It is not impossible. Maybe ought to be a service to do all that bureaucratic stuff.

I don't care what encryption we are using. Therapy notes should always be in paper and locked in therapist office. Medical info should have NEVER being digitized.

Vehemently disagree. Stifling progress because of the risks involved isn't worth it, the risks need to be assessed, acknowledged and accounted for.

Digitising medical info is brilliant and extremely useful for anyone involved. Handoff between practitioners is seamless, and no more of the redundant "are you allergic to anything? any priors? are you taking any meds?", because the practitioner knows everything they need to (e.g. your dentist doesn't need to have access to your therapy notes, but should probably know all meds you're taking and all previous dentistry work done on you, wherever and wherever that happened). It would also allow for country-wide anonymous statistical analysis. Oh, everyone taking pill X is also having Y? Is there a problem there? A lot of people getting operated for A used to do Z, C, so maybe we need a better educational campaign so people know the risks? The possibilities - life saving, medical system improving, etc. are enormous.

It just needs to be handled with extreme care, because the risks are enormous. Security should be top notch, with strict access controls, anonymisation where needed, etc.

Your parent made a much narrower point than you’re debating: you argue in favor of digitizing general medical info and your parent made the point that therapy notes should be paper-only and locked. The risk/reward tradeoff is different for those than allergies, general medication etc. The information contained is much more sensitive and at the same time they’re much less likely to be passed off between therapists unfiltered and unredacted.

Both, digitizing general medical info and keeping specific bits in analog form for safety and security reasons are not mutually exclusive.

Parent said:

> Medical info should have NEVER being digitized.

Which i assumed to be talking about all medical info.

> The information contained is much more sensitive and at the same time they’re much less likely to be passed off between therapists unfiltered and unredacted.

Why not?

That ship has sailed years ago.

Yes indeed it has. However, since incidents like this, we can ask practitioners to not do this, or at least not force doctors to digitize records. There are certain things are just NOT mean to be digitized.

I agree in principle, but at the same time note that patients expect their records to be shared between practitioners, for instance when their regular therapist isn't available they would like the person that takes their place to be immediately up to speed.

The question of whether or not these records will be digitized is no longer germane, it will happen, like it or not. But what can be done is that the systems that are used to store this information pass an external review to ensure that at least the basics required for keeping such critical information safe are met.

If you are already using postgres, then postgrest for backend, and solidJS for front end.

>Fuchsia is in production; in people's homes today. You can't kill the whole project without a plan for those devices. What if there is a bug in the kernel? Who's going to fix those devices, who's going to ensure a security update comes out?

Given google's track record (cutting that RSS feed) wouldn't surprise me they would just cut the whole project. They main bread and butter is somewhere else. It is time to move away from this company product.

Cutting a feature on their Mail client is different from a physically shipped product.

I agree though, maybe Google should drop the entire device’s organization. Or spin-off nest.

10 years ago, Google cancelled a mildly popular $0 revenue web app.

Seems they killed a tiny bit more that a mildly popular $0 revenue web app: https://killedbygoogle.com/

What's not to like! 0K CSS, responsive, works in desktop, mobile and tablets, and not to mention blazing fast load speed.

Responsive? I have to scroll past the left column ("Site Navigation") to read anything. That's the opposite of responsive (e.g. 2 columns on wider screens, 1 in mobile).

It looks exactly as it does on mobile!

If 2kb of CSS makes the difference between "blazing fast" and not "blazing fast", I think that's on you :)

No I think pretty most real old school developers prefer that, and it reads alot better on Lynx/Links2 type of browser. Browser != chrome || firefox,

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