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If i did this with my e-mail i would have over 1000 in some folders.

"It’s very unlikely you will end up with a hundred categories." -the page

Exactly this will result in about 20-30 folders for most, with any real amount of documents some folders might hold 100-1000 docs.

The advise you should take from this is that forcing structure is useful. Look att large code repos for example.

I'm going to allow that some things, like photos for example, can live in their own folder apart from the Johnny Decimal data hierarchy.

(Also, it would force me to consider ... do I need 1000 files here? I've certainly been known to join related documents into a single PDF, Uber-document, if you will.)

Bundling code and data never causes problems...

Having separate data and code never causes problems either? Just because you bundle them together, doesn't mean the data and code are together during development. They get bundled together in the build process.

It's not as bad as say, writing HTML in JavaScript (JSX).

Of course you can be more driven (there is of course a limit but most are far from it). I have done it I used to be content with where I was in life. Made decent money, family, friends and hobbies.

But I decided that I wanted more so I let my hobbies grow a bit and changed employer. Sure I'm not a million miles from where i was but I'm not in the same place.

Once I took the first steps the next got easier and I started to look for more opportunities. Find your first step, it should be small but in the right direction. Ask to take lead on something at work or push yourself in your hobby.

What I think everyone with kids should have as one of their goals is to get them one step up the ladder. Give them a slightly better chance than you had. Most successful people have successful parents, very few start from zero. My parents were middle class but I'm upper middle class.

EC2 is not really low hanging fruit. Most expect to get a ipv4 when creating an instance and many relies on that. Cheaper instances with ipv6 only is probably coming

That's very likely. Hetzner already offers cheaper ipv6-only dedicated servers: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29471986

Accually there's several ways, XSS for example.

But I agree that there's something other that's not ok. Compromised client (probably a computer) or a compromised router is my guesses.

You can get one for about 1000 euro (maybe 1100) new, about half for a used one. They cost about 100 Euro a year to service. Source: I have a used unit at home.

Most business have one here in Sweden and almost all public places like train stations, malls, hotels have one. Most taxis carry one to and can be alerted by 112 (the SOS number operators, 911 in the US) if they are close. Rural areas are the unsolved problem that these drones might help with.

Thats why I switched to plex. Being able to chromecast makes it possible to use any of my tv's not just the one that had the pc connected. I now run chromecast's only and a plex server.

Just forward the port?

I think that is only possible if a have control of the NAT/router, right?

If you have control of any IP address anywhere (doesn't have to be on your router), you can forward a port.

If you don't have any control of an IP address, you cannot be connected to through software that is not "special" (i.e., software that only uses IP to connect). As a matter of logic.

UPnP has a protocol to handle that, but the router needs to support it and have it enabled.

That allows only outgoing connections, right?

I there a way for me, behind a NAT, to pass an address for someone to connect to a port open on my machine?

No, UPnP is for forwarding ports for incoming connections. NAT itself is for outgoing connections.

I think I understand what is proposed, but I wouldn't be too hopeful an ISP would allow that.

It's not up to the ISP. It's on your router. And most consumer home routers support it, or else a newer alternative like NAT-PMP, but you have to have to enable it in the router settings via web browser interface.

(You can also, in these settings, manually forward individual ports, or use DMZ to forward all ports to a single machine.)

Some ISPs don't even give you a real IPv4 address though (they use CGNAT). THEN you have no hope.

> Some ISPs don't even give you a real IPv4 address though (they use CGNAT). THEN you have no hope.

That is the case with most people I know: not even the router has a "real ip". Don't know how things have improved with ipv6 though.

Also, in my country, best plans you can get take an optical fiber to your house directly connected to an ISP provided router. You're fully locked out of doing anything with the router except powering it.

GPS is not involved in this change really. Solar storms affect the magnetic field of earth to. Magnetic north is just a sensor going through software like everything else. Less risk... not more.

Er... I get it that it's about changing the "reference system" and not primarily about GPS. But the difference between "magnetic North" and "true North" depends on your position, and how are you going to get your position if not using GPS?

Using a wide variety of "traditional" techniques that range from dead reckoning (or "pilotage" which is dead reckoning corrected by landmarks) to politely asking a controller if they have you on radar. Airplanes operated under challenging conditions without falling out of the sky for a long time before GPS became a ubiquitous flight instrument (pretty recently, really).

> GPS is not involved in this change really.

How do you determine true north without a GPS system?

How do you determine true north with a GPS system? GPS only gives you your position, not your orientation.

> How do you determine true north with a GPS system?

  def true_bearing(magnetic_bearing, location)
    magnetic_bearing + gma(location)
And that's the point - your true bearing is a function of your location.

Ah. Right. Duh. (I must be having an even worse day than I thought.)

Wouldn't it be possible to broadcast local magnetic declination over ATIS or other automated broadcast systems?

As far as I know (and according to the article), modern navigation systems contain databases of the local magnetic declination anyway; instead of updating maps and navigational databases, we could just update these declination database instead every once in a while if I understand it correctly.

How do you apply these things without knowing where you are?

True/magnetic deviation is localised. You need to know where you are to know what the localised value is.

Wouldn't a very rough location suffice, i.e. something that could be either manually set (for general aviation and shorter distances), derived from a VOR station identifier or similar, or just estimated via dead reckoning/an INS?

In other words, if you don't even have a rough idea of where you are, what good will a magnetic heading do?

Rough yeah - but I think it does change by integer degrees from actual map sheet to map sheet, so you could probably drift a couple of degrees without knowing it within an hour or so of flying.

It really depends on the project as a consultant I have seen crazy complexity on both "sides".

Most projects backend seems to be more complex but backend also get more slack. For example if there is a DB performance problem there is usually a DB-team to help with tuning.

Front end ppl are usually more on their own, since its expected they will have easier problems. That's not always true though. Some orgs are adapting and adding css specialist and design roles to enable more technical front end devs to focus on that.

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