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The author has books on Geometric Algebra so it makes no sense to assume that he is going against GA as a whole.

Calculus had poor foundation and was thus logically incoherent from Newton/Leibniz' discovery to roughly the middle of 19th Century. None-the-less it was a powerful tool and most of the key theorems were discovered then.

The basic situation, I think, is a set of tools can be consistent in the way mathematicians use them but in the way the mathematicians explain them. And the tools can be very useful despite this.

So my guess is saying "it has poor foundations" isn't saying "I'm against it, it's worthless"

In order to make the race interesting it needs to have a balance between the two, make it too short and the horses will always win, make it too long and the humans will always win.

According to the article, the extended course used during two years favoured the horses.

Honestly ALL diagrams are a dead end, any system where there is no single source of truth will be a big hassle to maintain and therefore will not be updated which makes the whole thing useless.

The only which I can see working as it has already proven itself for certain tasks is something like the blueprints from the unreal engine but where each node represents something big enough to warrant its own node without any no low level details like variables, conditionals, loops etc. Otherwise you end up with literally spaghetti code.

This is an excellent point. You need to pull all the information about a system in a single place so that then you can choose what level of abstraction or deep dive into the details you need.

Projects like Multiplayer.app are in their early days, but I can see the potential of focusing on concentrating this info and automating the maintenance of docs and diagrams.

The problem is omniscience. With that, not only do you need a villain to take the blame, you also need a special ability called free-will that gets around the omniscience issue. Otherwise the only conclusion is that your god is both good and evil and chooses who gets to experience which.

So much time spent on creating many different web frameworks to try and replicate the snapiness of native applications when the solution was to make native applications use web-tech so that both are equally slow. Mission accomplished! Genius!.

I know nothing about rust but if you are struggling against the borrow checker because you want to implement something like linked lists or anything it doesn't want you the obvious solution is to allocate all your memory upfront and create your own allocator where you pass around indexes and thus bypass the borrow checker completely. I think this is what the author does? not really clear as he seemed to be constantly struggling with the language even after that.

I gotta say its not selling me on rust if bypassing the borrow checker with my own allocations still results in having to jump through so many hoops and struggle against the language.

I got a chuckle out of having the 'expert' be Buffet and the subject be finance. I don't think there is a worse example of a subject that lacks first principles and where vocabulary is used to obfuscate and give it a veneer or credibility. Why not pick astrology? those guys will give insight and agree with each other at a higher rate than anyone in economics.

It doesn't really make sense to compare it to something in the U.S where both parties fight over meaningless stuff like who can go into which bathrooms and which books you can burn.

In Mexico the local government is the problem since they are often part of the cartels so the only way to change things is for these communities to setup a local milita, kick out the goverment/police and put a very utilitarian government in its place.

Its useful for small trivia answers, stuff you might ask google about and read a short paragraph about it as long as it the answer seems reasonable enough.

For coding I have long given up on it. I only see it useful for people that want to do small scripts in languages they are not familiar with or to write toy examples of web/mobile apps.

For art I can sort of see a workflow in adding details to textures and using existing images and 3d assets to guide the generation of images. This is all just my speculation so I could be completely wrong just like the person that knowns very little to no programming thinking they will be able to code whatever they want with it.

Its great to have more Vulkan resources but unfortunately this one too suffers from the same problem as every other resource I've found on getting something on the screen with Vulkan.

They all introduce another layer of abstraction on top of Vulkan even before giving you the simple case without it. Its always use vk-bootstrap, volk, vma or someother library.

Is there a single resource anywhere that gives an example of doing the memory management manually because I havent found one, it seems like its either use vma or go figure out the spec are the only choices you are given. Is it too much to ask to just get the most basic example without having to add any libraries other than the Vulkan sdk itself?.

there's a common gamedev practice of allocating a big chunk of memory up front, and then using a bump allocator inside of it

in most games, there are about 3 "lifetimes": - permanent/startup - per-level - per-frame

and they're nested. so, you can use a single stack allocator for all of them. at the end of the frame/level, pop back to where it started

there are more complicated patterns, but this one will get you pretty far. you can use it on the CPU and the GPU

where to read more? any books? articles?

game engine architecture, by jason gregory

there's a section on memory allocation patterns

i believe casey muratori talks about allocation patterns in the handmade hero video series, too

edit: ryan fleury has a talk: https://www.rfleury.com/p/enter-the-arena-talk

Vulkan was always designed to be extremely low level API and with an idea in mind, that libraries would be required to get it up to level of OpenGL/DX11 and others. So in this respect, extensively using libraries on top of it is very normal, just like you don't write your software against syscalls these days.

That's what bothers me though; why not have an official higher level API that's less awful to use? Instead you get a bunch of third party libraries bolted on top of everything.

Why though? Khronos doesn't have the best record of API design and there's plenty of other projects that are much higher level and simpler to use for a newbie developer. You can scroll just a bit up and see just how many webdevs end up using webgpu which is closer to the abstraction they prefer.

Yes. It's too much to ask. Even the "official" examples by documentation do not do it. Reading the Vulkan specifications is an exercise in practicing technical bullshit.

When you're corroborating some random person's third-party instructions on initializing Vulkan and comparing those notes to what's done in Khronos Group repositories and reading the Vulkan 1.3 spec and realizing you have to read the specification out-of-order to get anything done, it's clear that they failed.

They failed. It's bad work by any other standard. But you'll do the work once and forget about it for the most part, so professionals don't complain too much.

Read my other comment in this thread for a portion of source code annotated with the specification chapters and sections.

It's a generic implementation that can be used with SDL and others.

Edit: As of the time of writing, the standard approach is to use VMA and Volk, both of which are included with the official Vulkan SDK. That should tell you enough about the state of the art.

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