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What does this mean? Runtime is the only time that Python's existing type system has an effect.

GP was referring to type hints and how they don't provide any runtime validation. There are libraries like Pydantic that let you do some, but nothing built into the language runtime IIRC.

It doesn't really affect your point, but the term was "enhanced", not "extended". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_interrogation_techniq...

Ah, thanks.

That comes with its own tradeoffs: increased compile time and more effort needed to create error messages that are helpful to the user.

Ocaml is probably the fastest compiling language I've ever used.

> more effort needed to create error messages that are helpful to the user.

Well, sure, but that's a tradeoff for the developers of the language to consider. As a user, there are already plenty of statically typed languages to choose from with many person-hours put into just that.

I want to offload as much work as we possibly can to the compiler. My brain will always be millions of times slower.

> > QAnon is just more fun.

> Citation desperately needed!

You might find this take on QAnon from a game designer's perspective interesting:


> It uses many of the same gaming mechanisms and rewards [as ARGs and LARPing].

> When players arrive at the “correct” answers they are showered with adoration, respect, and social credit.

> ... the breadcrumbs [from Q] are not facts, they are [...] Puzzles and clues for the “investigators” to uncover. [...] solving puzzles is extremely rewarding from a biochemical standpoint and the thoughts we gain from them are special to us.

It seems to me that higher visibility is all but guaranteed to lead to an increase in belief. Simple exposure is one thing: most people aren't going to concoct new conspiracy theories on their own, but they may decide to go in for them when they see them.

Social persuasion/cohesion is another: we're all influenced by the views of the people around us (like it or not). When you see half a dozen people in one of your peer groups talking about $WEIRD_THING, you're naturally inclined to give it some time, and maybe some credence.

I don't disagree about the deep problems with regulating it, though.

Is it possible that this is just because it's a beta and the flag will be back for the release? There doesn't seem to be anything indicating one way or the other.

The U.S. has NPR and PBS, but, to put it politely, they have variable amounts of trust depending on one's position on the political spectrum. They also indeed have government officials "breathing down their neck" at least in a budgetary sense.

Their closer-to-neutral stance and low-frills style also don't draw in the audiences that the major news outlets do. The American public is too conditioned for sensationalism and sexy graphics to watch PBS NewsHour with the late Jim Lehrer.

It was on my radar in mid January; I know this clearly because it made me choose not to buy plane tickets for a big family celebration scheduled for the end of February.

Well I'm talking about the 12th, China was rounding up and arresting doctors talking about it and making them sign apology statements. You might be thinking of a week or two later.

That's possible; I don't remember the exact dates, just that it was at the "I really need to buy tickets" timeframe for the end of Feb.

Yes. In many cases, the only "winning" move is to say what you have to say and then step back.

You can't usually "win" the argument, just your own time.

Hey, spoiler alert for people regarding that link -- there's some very strong, graphically violent language. Don't click if you're not in a good head space at the moment.

i think its good to see it so people understand that there are literally millions of other americans that actively want them dead

I pushed back in one direction, and now I'll push back in the other.

I do not think "literally millions" do. That is an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence.

I am saddened by extremists like this, on all sides.

I want to win a tough but fair political fight, and I think that's what almost everyone in America wants, too. I'm sorry some people think 60 court cases were simultaneously wrongly decided, but I don't feel sympathy for anyone who thinks the next step is to storm the Capitol.

I didn't say it shouldn't be posted; just a warning to be prepared for what you're going to see.

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