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I've also started preparing my own fermented hot sauce, you can find it here:


It's delicious, I just recently started experimenting with fermentation

Has anyone tried https://github.com/stefanprodan/timoni ? Seems like a good alternative to helm

I tried it early on, being a big CUE fan.


- comes from someone with deep k8s experience

- has features for secrets and dynamic information based on k8s version and CRDs

- thinks about the full life-cycle and e2e process

Cons: (at the time)

- holds CUE weird, there are places where they overwrite values (helm style) which is antithetical to CUE philosophy. This was rationalized to me as keeping with the Helm mindset rather than using the CUE mindset, because it is what people are used to. I think this misses the big opportunity for CUE in k8s config.

- has its own module system that probably won't integrate with CUE's (as it stands today), granted CUE's module system wasn't released at the time, but it seems the intention is to have a separate system because the goal is to align with k8s more than CUE

- Didn't allow for Helm modules to be dependencies. This seems to have since changed, but requires you to use FluxCD (?)

I didn't ever adopt it because of the philosophical differences (me from CUE, stefan from k8s). I have seen others speak highly of it, definitely worth checking out to see if it is something you'd like. I have plans for something similar once an internal Go package in CUE is made publicly available (https://github.com/cue-lang/cue/commits/master/internal/core...). The plan is to combine the CUE dep package with OpenTofu's graph solver to power a config system that can span across the spaces.

Reviewing their docs I found this: https://glasskube.dev/docs/comparisons/timoni/ I have personally never worked with Timoni

"the market garden" is a book that has inspired younger generations to go back to farming. I know some small scale farms making 100k a year in Portugal. Quite a nice book.

Something like this in "This week in Rust" would be fantastic

I was following this ever since I had read about AdaCore collaborating with Ferrous Systems on this, however, it is for the compiler. If they created a published Rust standard specific to their compiler then maybe, but I think there needs to be a general Rust standard comparable to other PL standards to start to encroach on the Ada/SPARK2014 world and a whole lot of real-world apps over time.

If they start selling ai in their platform, it's a really good option, as people know they can run it somewhere else if they had to (for any reason, e.g: you could make a poc with their platform but then because of regulations you need to self host, can you do that with other offers?)

I've been using devenv + flake parts and so far it's done it's job perfectly. I build a rust and a node application in the ci. Both local and ci build every time. It will only fail from time to time when i make an update, otherwise no errors at all

I've been using nix to build docker containers (from a Mac). I would like to skip docker as well, but I wouldn't know how. On the server, I use docker swarm, with traefik as load balancer, in a very small machine, which I can later grow. It works pretty well for me. Nix on the CI has never fail for anything but mistakes of my own.

Agree, I think countries already run their simulations, and when they believe they are on the winning side, they invade. Doesn't matter if the simulation is rolling a dice.

If you don't invade, you haven't taken control.

Or putting it from other perspective, you could run the simulation between 2 parties, be the winner and "impose" your will. But I don't think that the other side will now leave their houses and leave their own city voluntarily, at that point you need to invade anyways.

Disappointing that they are not open. I'm considering using ai for a project and relying on something like Google Gemini is not very attractive, same for Mistral, I don't know them. If it was open source you know if they go down at least you can run the models somewhere else.

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