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While I'm a huge Svelte fan, this project hasn't really gotten very much care and attention over the last few years.

Which is honestly fine. React and React Native I think do a much better job of filling the niche of people who want to build native apps with web tech.

That being said, I think with the progress that Safari has made in implementing PWA support, the increased hostility of Apple toward native developers, and browser improvements like WebGPU coming out soon, I really hope that we no longer have to build native apps for like 95% of use cases. The only major hurdle to this is Apple continuing to treat web apps as second class citizens on iOS and only begrudgingly adding APIs to Safari to make good native experiences.

We've been working with Capacitor recently which is the current iteration of webview-to-native. Basically you just build a website and run it through a compile step to output iOS and Android. The ergonomics of the build process and integration with native features is definitely a bit lumpy, but we've been very successful at building an all-in-one codebase that will power web, ios and android with minimal drift.

Not sure what you built but for anyone interested in going down this venue there's a blog post by a Svelte Ambassador that you can read here: https://khromov.se/how-i-published-a-gratitude-journaling-ap...

Capacitor is great! Did Svelte + Capacitor for my last app. Highly recommend.

> The only major hurdle to this is Apple continuing to treat web apps as second class citizens on iOS

If you add a site to iOS' homescreen it automatically becomes a PWA. The best example I found of a site fully leveraging this feature is Cryptee[0]. They talk about the PWA thing here: https://crypt.ee/download

[0] https://crypt.ee/

The whole add to home screen process is needlessly convoluted. It would be nice if there was something similar to Smart Banners for PWAs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/promoting_a...

You just click "Share -> Add To Home Screen." I understand that that's technically more clicks than a smart banner but hardly "convoluted"

I think it's convoluted relative to a Smart Banner. Smart Banners give users a clear call to action, and they're not buried in a menu somewhere.

It's hard to make this point without linking to a screenshot, but the share menu is incredibly bloated. To get to the add to home screen button a user has to know it's in the share menu (which is just an unlabeled icon), and then scroll past the following menu items:

- An options button (which leads to another menu)

- Air Drop

- Share via text message (with several different contacts listed individually to share with)

- Copy

- Add to Reading List

- Add Bookmark

- Add to Favorites

- Add to Quick Note

- Find on Page

Adding to your own home screen under a "share" menu is something probably 90% of users would never think of.

I agree it's MUCH better than it used to be (and huge credit to Jen Simmons and her team for making this possible). However Safari APIs are still WAY behind Chrome/Android and I think this is probably intentional to push developers into using the App Store so Apple can collect their 30% tax


It's absolutely intentional, but going to slowly get better even as they drag their feet

i wonder when someone is going to sue apple over this absurd limit. There's 0 justification for it, it's almost the definition of racket.

Fastmail does this too, and it works extremely well.

> increased hostility of Apple toward native developers


It is. This is mostly a Svelte wrapper around NativeScript so it's really not equivalent

Classic! I remember convincing friends and family members that this was real when I was young. There was something incredibly fun and powerful being a child and able to fool adults who would believe anything they read on the internet. It's amazing how websites like this inoculated myself and many other young people from obvious misinformation on the internet in a fun and mostly harmless way

We get so much power from just setting global scoped styles like this it's so strange to me that more of these patterns aren't common or included in minimal css frameworks.

With all the recent criticism of tailwind, css-in-js, and other bloated frameworks I truly feel like 90% of projects could get away with a handful of sensible global styles or "classless css" and then aggressive use of components with scoped styles. You hardly ever need anything else

This. So much this. I wish I could make my colleagues understand.

That requires the program itself to be well designed, without exceptions everywhere.

I think exceptions are fine and that is what you could use inline or scopes styles for. Exceptions everywhere is problematic but having this sort of pattern could encourage better design

I spent about half my year in Japan and half my year in Sweden and I speak both languages. It's always shocked me how many expats feel it's not necessary to speak the language but the justifications are totally different.

In Sweden they say "Everyone here speaks English anyway"

In Japan they say "All of my friends are expats anyway"

I think if people don't want to learn a language they will come up with any excuse.

> I spent about half my year in Japan and half my year in Sweden and I speak both languages.

Yeah, I really doubt that you can move to Japan with zero Japanese and in half year learn enough to hold normal conversation and be able to read/write Japanese, all that while working full time and not being immersed every day in Japanese language course.

It's perfectly possible to learn a language in 6 months if you spend a lot of your time conversing in it, avoiding English as much as possible. They also said "speak", not "write". It's possible and even natural to learn one and not the other.

Almost anything is possible, even time travel, it's just not very realistic under certain circumstances. In case of learning Japanese in 6 months while working full time in English speaking enviroment with 0 Japanese foundations to start with.

> Yeah, I really doubt that you can move to Japan with zero Japanese and in half year learn enough to hold normal conversation and be able to read/write Japanese, all that while working full time and not being immersed every day in Japanese language course.

If you're working full time in Japanese you could absolutely get conversational Japanese within half a year. Indeed I suspect that's the most practical way.

> If you're working full time in Japanese you could absolutely get conversational Japanese within half a year.

I fail to imagine scenario where Japanese company hire non-japanese speaker who will then be working full time in Japanese language to learn it.

Happens all the time with menial or physical jobs where they're desperate for labour - construction, fishing, forestry, that sort of thing. You can't get a work visa for that kind of job, but if you have a visa for other reasons (spouse, child of Japanese national, etc.) they'll take you.

Yeah, but I assume in that case you don't talk much during the job and don't have really time to talk to practice the language, so it's complete circle - can't learn it in job which doesn't require the language, because there is no reason to use there language. Sure you could learn few phrases or at least improve your comprehension I guess, but I don't think you could get fluent after half year of such (hard) work.

Weird way to generalize the problem. The difficulty of learning Swedish is not the language itself, but because Swedes default to speaking English with you if they see you struggling. If you want to truly become fluent in Swedish you have to constantly ask them not to do that, and most expats get sick of it by the 10th or so time.

(First point) https://www.thelocal.se/20180817/the-signs-youve-mastered-th...

>I think if people don't want to learn a language they will come up with any excuse.

In a world where it was actually true that you don't have to learn the language wouldn't it appear that they always have an excuse not to? So how does your experience give evidence we're not in that world?

N1? You mastered 敬語 in 6 months?

I think they meant for the past x years, they've been spending half of it in Sweden, the other half in JApan, in chunks of 6 months.

edit: and you can be fluent in one or more languages without knowing how to read/write them.

I think he spent half a year every year

you spent half a year in japan and speak the language?

I'm sorry but this is blatantly false also. The Commonwealth of Nations is a political association as stated in that article you posted but the member nations are not vassals and the queen does not serve as head of state for any of them except the UK

I had the absolute pleasure of studying both Theory of Computation and Ethics in the Age of Technology under Professor Rogaway during my time at UC Davis and no other professor in the department challenged me both in the technical and ethical ways that Rogaway did.

It’s as a direct result of his classes that I have carefully crafted my career in computer science to not do work that would be potentially harmful to others. I wish more software engineers had the opportunity or interest to study and consider the ethical dimensions of our jobs. We have the power and the obligation to prevent a lot of harm and abuse by taking cryptography and security seriously. I’m disappointed by the recent backsliding Apple has done since they were one of the few companies I could trust to make this a priority.

Certainly up there. It's impossible to say at this point. We will only know with the benefit of years of hindsight

This is impossible to know. Just because months after the outbreak China has managed to contain it, doesn't mean that there can't be a second wave of reinfection

Yes, most likely. But it can be more or less severe depending on whether we manage to contain the 'first wave'

Because unlike Google, Apple is a California and especially Cupertino centric company so most of their employees have probably never used mapping outside the confines of their car. Transit and walking directions are decent on Apple Maps but still leaps and bounds behind Google Maps. Just shows how forcing all your employees to live and work in the same place is incredibly limiting

That is not accurate at all. Biking is huge and many employees use public transit all across the Bay Area.

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