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Aw man, is there any way to still apply? I had the form filled out in my browser, and I was waiting for a friend to fill out his application, but I ended up forgetting to submit the form before 12:00am PST.

Looks like Visibli (http://visibli.com), if you haven't seen it before.

Reminds me of pttrns (http://pttrns.com/). Being able to look at a lot of apps can be a source of great motivation if you're having designer's block.

The funny thing is that I know a few people who do this. (Holding Caps Lock = CTRL, tapping Caps Lock = ESC)

How could we not think about this? It's genius!

How is it done? Does your buddy use X, mac or where in the stack is the hack?

I'm slightly embarassed to admit that I remapped them after reading this: http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/a-modern-space-cadet/#cont...

On OS X, you can use KeyRemap4Macbook (http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/) to turn on the feature with a bit of hackery.

I have not figured out how to do it on Windows, but I imagine that it might be possible with AutoHotKey.

I got this working on my system (running X) with the help of a daemon (https://github.com/alols/xcape).

    $ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
    $ xcape
Now I just have to flog my muscle memory into submission.

I read about it in one of Steve Yegge's Emacs posts. Now I use it everywhere!

What an excellent idea! If I didn’t use CapsLock for choosing keyboard layout, I would have done this...

A strategy that I found works really well to quickly style everything is to create a category on UIView that defines a block property decorated with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR, then on the setter, invoke the block. Then set the appearance proxy on app startup:

  [[UILabel appearance] setStyleBlock:^(id view) {
    UILabel *label = view;
    label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
The advantage is that you can style properties that aren't supported by UIAppearance natively, since a block just gets run when the view is ready to be styled. You also can style subviews from the same block (ie. title label inside of a warning view should be red and bold).

I worked at a start-up whose engineering lead brought familiar coding style to a project that was inherited. We were imposed a combination of C89-esque and Microsoft kernel coding style on an Objective-C source code. Things like defining all variables at the beginning of the function definition in alphabetical order in CamelCase, having instance variables prefixed with the class abbreviation, and other inane rules. It went something like this:

  - (void)
    (NSObject *) MyObject :
    (NSInteger) MyNumber
  Some unstandard doc format.

Before I started, I was told that the project migrated from git to svn to "make branching easier". I do not work there any more.

This is awesome. I wonder if there any free open source projects that would let developers implement this sort of front-end for their own services.

Balanced just open sourced the status page: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4865982

The app works in landscape when in a conversation. This makes the text a bit bigger.

We have had a bunch of beta testers use it in China and Japan. It was also fun to pretend to not know English and use it at a restaurant.

Yes! This is something that we're really excited about, and is definitely on our pipeline.

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