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Fyi bamboo isn't wood.

Funny, I thought it was actually a law that they MUST disclose such things. Thanks for the heads up.

Ditto.. feedly, it's not perfect, but it's good enough. Very similar keyboard shortcuts as google reader.

Cool site but please please change that fixed navbar to be fixed via css and not whatever you are doing (javascript?). It's very painful when you scroll (chrome on windows 7)

For something like that I'd suggest talking to potential customers.. if restaurants, for example, are you target audience, go and visit... become friendly with a bunch of owners/managers/etc.

Unfortunately it's mass market consumer stuff.

Ditto, I've been using it for at least a year. For those of you new to it, make sure to check out the mobile app.. I use it for time & location-based notifications all the time.. love when it tells me what to buy WHEN I get to my grocery store of choice.

I'm looking into phonegap stuff myself... were you a mobile app developer before using it? Or only javascript/html/etc?

If only js/html/etc, was the transition to phonegap for web apps pretty simple for you?


I played around with phonegap before, trying to make use of the native camera through the phonegap api, but never finished it. I found it cumberstone/slow to debug, but everthing else, is just like developing webapps. This time, it really was developing a web app. I used chrome (and chrome developer tools, with the ember debug plugin) to develop the app until it was completely done. Using the phonegap cli to build out an ios, android and firefox version took just a couple of hours, and the phonegap documentation is very helpful. So overall I would say, if you are not using phonegap's native api, and all you need is a wrapper for your html/js app, go for it, it is super simple...

Really appreciate the quick response, and good luck on this endeavor.. as someone who's passionate about fitness I can appreciate what you're trying to do.

Sounds interesting. Could you maybe post a couple of resources that you found useful and would recommend going through? Thx!

For ember I feel like the official guides[0] are a good place to start. I found that a lot of other guides or blog posts where heavily out of date, since ember has changed quite a lot in the last couple of months. There are two other guides that I skipped over, which seemed to be pretty good [1][2].

For phonegap I always just used the official docs[3] and stackoverflow for times when i was stuck. There is one thing i can highly recommend though: Install the webview-debug plugin[4] for phonegap. With that you can make use of the awesome remote debugging functionality on android.[5]

And one more resource I can highly recommend is brunch.io[6]! It is a tool to help you structure your html/js app, it bundles all your files together, compresses them and spits out 3 files in the end: index.html, app.js and vendor.js. And that's the 3 files you put into your phonegap folder. You can even setup brunch.io to automatically push those files into your phonegap folder everytime you change something. This is not ember specific either. There are nice sceletons to get you started with backbone, spine, angular, etc..

[0] http://emberjs.com/guides/ [1] http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/11/07/an-in-depth-intro... [2] http://ember.vicramon.com/ [3] http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.5.0/index.html [4] https://github.com/jrstarke/webview-debug [5] https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/remote-debugging [6] http://brunch.io/

Thanks a ton, brunch looks awesome!

Isn't this kinda like the patent troll concept?

If it means I don't have to deal with accidents on the road or the subsequent rubber-necking assholes, I'm fine with that tradeoff.

... and would you be fine if cops were unable to stop thief disabled car and decided to stop yours that was in front of his and therefore using it as a stopping wall "for greater good of pedestrians and drivers around you". Good luck then. Make sure you have a damn good chiropractor and well-written last will.

Just means you have to deal with every skiddie who can install metasploit when the system is inevitably discovered to be massively insecure.

Page not found anymore? Guess they got the heat and took it down.

Edit: that link above the image (ie http://blog.mirohristov.com/www.aranya13.com/aranya/) is what's broken..

And seriously... that music?

Fixed. Thanks!

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