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spot on.

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I recently attended Hacker School; self-taught - strong interest in React-related opportunities. Junior Dev positions.


At least HN is a notch above GamerGate

There's a really good reason for it and it's up to you to figure that part out.

There is no reason to delete a post that presents a rational argument without use of insults or ad hominem attacks, regardless of if you think the viewpoint is "destroying [insert any topical political or current events issue here]".

There's plenty of reason to downvote trolls.

I did not see the posts that were deleted, but so far nothing I've seen in this thread seems like trolling.

A racist man says: "I'm not racist; I have black friends." Do you see what's wrong with that statement?

Another racist man says "hey black person, your opinions are invalid because you've internalized racism. Please, let me, a liberal white man, speak for you."

What you fail to see, implied under your comment, is that in any situation where it's up to the white people to decide who's the Uncle Tom, that fact itself is racism, in the metagame of the discussion itself, staring you in the face.

Actually you and the parent are saying the same thing:

White people determining what constitutes white privilege leads to white people conveniently missing their own blind spots.

Similarly: How come we see requests for devs to go out and ask females what their experiences and comfort are on online, but we don't the same for blacks and Muslims* ?

Originally, third wave feminism addressed this, pointing out addressing only female inequalities was unfair, but they've been getingt shouted down over the last decade.

Black people are receiving tons of death threats, at least one of them followed up by an actual death [3]:

[1] http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/dr-phillip-goudeaux-sacrame...

[2] http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/02/black_hillary_support...

[3] http://withintheblackcommunity.blogspot.com/2013/01/blax-new...

[4] http://aapov.blogspot.com/2010/07/freepointes-african-americ...

A Strawman? Guilty by association? Why don't you explain how that's not demeaning to thousands of people using #NotYourShield, who disagree?

"I'm not racist; I have black friends."

So you assume I'm white and doing this? That's an incredible assumption when you don't know anything about me personally.


Wow. Ok, I was afraid that this copypasta account was going to bring up "slam-dunk" fallacies to bring me to shame, however woefully misunderstood.

Let me spell it out for you - Just because some women happen to identify with the GooberGater movement doesn't mean that GooberGate is not, at the very LEAST, misogynistic in tone. If you can't understand that then there's nothing that anyone here can do for you.

Go back to /r/KotakuInAction. And tell the moderators there that they may want to drop their association with /r/dickgirls and /r/breakfemanazis

"It's about ethics" yet most of the moderators of the subreddit /r/KotakuInAction are also moderators of distinctly misogynstic subreddits http://i.imgur.com/3j7uzXZ.jpg

EDIT: You might be taking downvotes too personally.

I think you might be taking the concept of 'white privilege' too personally.

That's quite a rhetorical leap you just made, there.

oh, please. No one wants to engage with a self-proclaimed martyr.

I like reading this stuff. Sure, I may not use Rust for any real application yet, but it's been teaching me a whole lot on different paradigms than I am used to. I think these articles are great because it pushes boundaries in understanding. And this is a science we are talking about - experimentation is a lot of fun!

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