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The platform is being actively used to plan attacks on our government... at a certain point this becomes a liability to any party that enabled it. As it should.

How do you think censorship were started in other coutries? To prevent attacks on the goverment.

Would't you want to read the plans in an open platform where anybody on Parler can have access to it?

Now these plans will go underground and will be harder to track.

Though its more of a building block, Editor.js supports this: https://editorjs.io

Ignoring the the moral bankruptcy of the argument to begin with, he's someone who most people would consider a societal "loss" despite his views around alternative medicine.

I think the major difference is that he didn't push his views about alternative medicine on others, at least as far as I'm aware.

We would have felt differently about him if he had published a book titled "iCancer: How I Beat The Disease Using Alternative Medicine".

Most of the other people weeded out of the gene pool by following quack medicine advice aren't pushing their views on others either.

(FWIW if Jobs had devoted an inordinate amount of time to encouraging his audience to follow quack cancer cures it would be a stain on his reputation but wouldn't diminish the value of his separate contributions to UX or consumer electronics)

It seems from the comments that this article rubs people the wrong way. This article might be getting grouped into a speech police category that is undeserved.

I think the intention of "in my culture" is to allay a fear in the listener. The speaker is worried that there is a strong expectation of change in the listener by stating something as an axiom. The speaker's hope is that the listener will see a possibility instead of a demand.

Some people think it should be obvious that what a person states should never be seen as a demand to conform. Some believe this is a necessary life skill, especially in business.

Some people are interested in finding ways of speaking in a more sensitive way in an era that seems to be embracing sensitivity.

Its interesting to me that both sides can see each other's ways of communicating as an affront, when it is likely not the intent on either side.

If you can build a web site with React + Firebase + Google Cloud Function + CDN, you are a full-stack engineer.

Not even close.

After using Redux for a while, I realized that I was creating a lot of boilerplate to essentially (1) update an immutable store and (2) pass that store's state to (a)sync callbacks that execute in serial before and after the store was updated.

This lead me to the creation of DotStore (https://github.com/invrs/dot-store#readme), along with extensions to use it with React [1] and the filesystem [2].

"Dot prop" strings have proved to be an elegant solution to detect which props changed on the store. Usually this means doing a regex match in `shouldComponentUpdate`. We almost never use React's state anymore.

[1]: https://github.com/invrs/dot-store/tree/master/packages/dot-...

[2]: https://github.com/invrs/dot-store/tree/master/packages/dot-...

None of your links seem to work. Is this a private repository?

Heh, very new project, thanks for the heads up. Its public now.

Bleacher Report, San Francisco - http://bleacherreport.com

We are a sports media site that is revolutionizing journalism. We are the 2nd largest sports site (right behind ESPN) and a top 30 web site, reaching 80 million unique users per month. We love technology, we love to learn, and we love to have fun.

We are primarily a Ruby shop, but as we implement a service oriented architecture, we use increasingly diverse technologies. These technologies include Rails, Node.js, Redis, PostgreSQL, Backbone, Marionette, Docker, DynamoDB, Elastic MapReduce, Redshift, and more.

See our listings at http://eng.bleacherreport.com/jobs

Bleacher Report - San Francisco, CA (Financial District). Full time.

We are the 3rd largest sports news site in the United States, just behind ESPN, Fox Sports, and Yahoo.

Work on a site that reaches 70 million people per month while getting exposure to a variety of technologies (we routinely play with Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, and Go). We encourage our employees to contribute to open source as apart of their work at Bleacher Report, and most importantly, always be learning.

Email wwelsh@bleacherreport.com or visit http://bleacherreport.com/careers/engineering

You spelled Stasis wrong :)


Shit... Correct now, thanks! :)

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