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Respectfully, history is a terrible measure for carrying on as we have.

Tech people are arguing for accountability in a life/death scenario.

That there is no privacy in public spaces is a longstanding social/legal tradition. A cockpit is physically private for physical security reasons but the pilots in the cockpit are acting on behalf of public trust. Their social norms in that physical context are not their own to define.

If pilots want privacy they can quit and sit at home.

Free market at play, no airline can afford to say "well then quit and sit at home". There is a huge pilot shortage. No airline in their right mind is about to do things their workforce doesn't want.

Just to illustrate, 5 years ago a first officer on year 2 pay would make on average 40-50k per year. In 2023 that has increased to 143k per year for all three American Airlines owned regionals (plus a 165k retention bonus). Similar for Spirit, increased to 142k standard and 145k on the Airbus. And JetBlue to 160k for the A320 and 153k for the A220.

In this market, the first airline CEO to say "well then quit and sit at home" to their union will have half their workforce walk out within months.

Precisely why the FAA should implement this and not leave it up to the airlines.

So far I can't see anyone coming up with any cases were this would have made life safer or even solved a previously unsolved case.

The law of diminishing returns very much exist, and as one of my teachers in engineering once pointed out: if you really want to use surveillance to put a dent in the crime statistics you should put it in people's living rooms and in their bedrooms.

Do you feel the same way about surveillance of the inside of your car while it's on public roadways?

If I’m a taxi driver or school bus driver, yes!

You're just a able to crash into oncoming traffic as any cabbie. Why should you not be subject to the same intrusive surveillance? What are you hiding?

There's a key distinction between operating a vehicle for commercial purposes and a private operation, not just the ability to harm others. There's a reason why commercial pilots licences are in a completely different league in terms of training and responsibility to PPLs.

All these web companies ran on gatekeeping their data to employ frontend teams. They look even more valuable to the financiers seeking to keep the aggregate busy so they don’t have time to focus on the expropriation of their labor and deflation of their buying power.

But it’s a terrible long term strategy as it cuts off the group who would pay for API access only. But also a community of frontend first users who don’t care about APIs but design and functionality that works for them, means frontend first users jump to the next company with a frontend. If there was an API fee and key, and open frontends of various styles, Sooundcloud wins.

There are API only streamers out there but they tend to focus on serving big tech. Apple I know specifies quality levels but actually passes some streaming requests along to wholesaler backends that deal with all the API and licensing crap for them.

Kind of a pedantic argument focused on the “letter of the law” not physical reality. Physical state change of value to the aggregate must occur for society to work; propagation of empty rhetoric alone leads to social collapse; wouldn’t really call that “working on propagation of rhetoric alone”. Physical reality must provide evidence society works or people revolt. Thats what people mean when they say there’s “no evidence”.

For thousands of years society “worked” propagating religious babble then it didn’t. It’s low quality evidence society works on rhetoric.

If we say the trucks are on their way with food and they don’t show, the words meant nothing and the literal reality will dictate next steps.

Society doesn’t “work” on propagation of symbolic logic. It works when material outcomes are stable and equitable for the aggregate.

When society relies on functionally illiterate ossified minds propagating nostalgia babble, whether the babble is religious or statistical mirage that ignores the material stability of the aggregate (socializing a communal upside to a small cohort of mega rich rent seekers helicoptering us) societies fall apart.

Humans have real needs and when they’re met, society works. When they’re not due to over reliance on belief and philosophy society fails.

There’s plenty of high quality evidence to refute society works due to propagation of rhetorical statements. Real things need to occur too. Pre-language nomadic tribes built shared material stores, all based on the obvious physical reality. There is zero evidence society works on rhetoric at all and plenty the rhetoric propagates nothing but mirage.

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