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Out of interest -- Why put PHI in your SCM? If you're just wrangling code but not actual data SaaS should be kosher.

We don't put PHI in repos, the CI platform has access to the infrastructure to deploy, which means any potential compromise would expose PHI.

Started off reasonable and interesting and the slid into:

> For people looking for a conspiracy, the replacement language for C++, Rust, is compromised by a cabal of woke tards that are doing strange things. It's possible this could be a plot to move mission-critical code to Rust.

WTAF? I should have bailed out as soon as I saw it’s from a Twitter Blue Check.

lol. no. besides which all of these hacks would have been prevented by simple, well established controls (eg. MFA everywhere, not hoarding every scrap of customer data and internal comms).

so all of those basics are going to magically happen when you move your data on-prem?

Also the above-mentioned SaaS customers will face no negative consequences from investors or otherwise, just some bad press that will be forgotten quickly and amount to nothing. It's great if your SaaS vendor gets hacked and not you: it spreads blame around in the eyes of the public, and makes it harder for legislators, regulators, and plucky DAs to come after you.

Doubly so given that Untitled Goose Game is from an Australian game studio.


I mean, it's arguably a security concern if you're not catching the mistakes you intended to catch.

You know that is a direct result from competition from rideshare alternatives, right?

Growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s, taxis always added an exciting extra frisson to any airport trip or evening date. Would they turn up at all? Would they turn up, honk their horn, and drive away if you didn't run out the door in under a minute? Were you going to be left stranded at the end of the night with a constantly engaged taxi call line? Leaving you to resort to calling friends and family to pick you up?

Perth taxis were some of the most expensive and hardest to book in all of my experiences around Australia, pretty much right up to the late 2010s, which unsurprisingly was a few years after Uber's entrance into the market.

If taxis are a better service than Uber now, that's great. We probably want to keep that competitive pressure to keep the bastards honest.

Based solely on the above description -- wire-only is when you don't have wheels on deck, also slowing the craft down.

Got it, thx!

Yes. A bunch. Service accounts that need to be shared between a limited group of people.

TOTP + something like 1P moves this from happy-monday-an-infra-engineer-left-time-to-rotate-100-accounts to something you can just do periodically as you like.

You’re being purposefully reductionist. But even if that’s that’s the sole purpose any one would do seek an MBA the GPs point stands — reading this list doesn’t even tick the “MBA checkbox”

The people seeking these kinds of lists are seeking checkboxes to tick. Of course this isn't the same as earning an MBA, but I guarantee some of the people searching for this kind of content will find it and follow it, believing it will get them somewhere because they checked the boxes on the list.

It’s crazy that 3M is still selling “fabric protectors” today [1] that rely on PFAS.

Not that you can tell based on the product listing or packaging, but they do publish a handy data sheet [2] that lists “< 3% fluorochemical urethane”. Unfortunately it doesn’t list any personal protection or toxicology advice for that ingredient as “ingredient may be below threshold for labelling”.

[1] Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield https://a.co/d/0E2DGjL [2] https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSuUn_...

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