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How is it freeloading when they have literally offered it for free?

Also signed up. They can have my phone number. What are they going to do with it? Target advertising at me?

To be honest, I'm a bit past caring about companies selling my data. They've built up enough of a profile of me in my 30+ years of being online, I'm not getting away from that. There's a multitude of my namesakes online who are much more interesting and successful than me and I'm pretty well hidden generally.

This sounds interesting enough to me that they can have my phone number. In 10 years time I'll be living in a forest in a cabin, living off the land and staying well offline.

That's assuming they unified your profile and your interests, politics, and purchase desires remain the same.

I've received terrible targeted ads so either they're good at fooling me they're bad or they're actually bad.

Essentially yes. I guess in a similar way US companies are required to care about GDPR, if they want to operate in other regions.

There's a bit more info here: https://www.copyrighted.com/blog/dmca-guide

Nice try, Cloudthread.

Yes, the design is fairly generic but if you can't see that someone ripped off someone here then you must be trying a bit too hard to not see it.

I'm trying but both looks like countless other soul-less corporate sites.

Ya, not sure how they do not get your point… regardless of that fact, it is a completely uninspired design and it’s not hard to imagine this is some stock Tailwind UI component. Yes, they are wrong, but this isn’t some revolutionary stuff here. Let’s call a spade a spade.

Why do you think this? I'd be interested as to why you came to this conclusion.

If we ban cars, we'll see less deaths on the road too.

Some of us would quite like to see the end of the personal motorcar.

Cars are generally useful and enable modern life.

Crypto has yet to prove that level of value.

And rational approach is minimize the amount of cars on the road. Contrary to cryptos, there are certain applications where cars don't have real alternatives - like deliveries to small shops and restaurants, or for tradesman.

Cryptocurrency is an alternative to centralized parties that abuse their monopoly positions as payment platforms while non-profit/government sectors are too inept to provide a public payment option.

Here's a case of PayPal closing the account of a user because they used it to fund servers to run TOR nodes:


I've been using protonmail as my mail email service for probably close to 6 years. Earlier iterations of the UI were obviously basic but it's perfectly functional now and works very well and certainly not for "occasional use". The web client UI is great and has come on leaps and bounds particularly of late.

The mobile app has some way to go but more than adequate for daily use because I'm using it daily.

Monstrous? It couldn't be any more simple, if you even have to go through the process of setting up PHP. Hosting options that support PHP are two a penny, probably literally.

If the OP open sources his QR code reader app then the "free" model is absolutely sustainable.

The op did (it's in the description on the app store, but was unfortunately (considering the context and audience) left out from they comment:


I don't know if it differs from various vendor releases of android but certainly on my Samsung S20, QR codes can be read without an additional app just by pointing the camera app at one. I seem to recall my Pixel XL did the same.

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