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> can someone outside of NASA send requests to Voyager to change its code?

Unless you've got your own very-very high power transmitters and large dishes, you're not communicating with either Voyager satellite

"Newer" science & research satellites from the late 2000s onward do support a variety of encryption in transit and authentication from the ground stations

Surely the corporation that built the on-device scanning and recognition that runs on your opaque little computer box to find pictures of your dog wouldn't lie or "accidentally" keep the csam scanning running on the device too?

And certainly the corporation couldn't be be coerced by the government that's built the largest surveillance apparatus in human history to keep the csam feature running on billions of devices?

Yes, the corporation can be trusted.


Trust, but check too. Like in a relationship too :)

The government / the law is the problem. The similar in China. And in Europe is planned: you have to make it possible that we read E2E encrypted messages, if a judge say so. Lol

So it's not about the company(s) but rather about the forced compliance with laws

A couple of tools which are both working on jail management & packaging

- bastille https://bastillebsd.org

- pot https://potluck.honeyguide.net

bastille is great for personal and small setups, pot is aimed at larger scale and meant to be used along with hashicorp nomad+consul

What is the state of pot in summer 2023? Is it ready for production?

Depends on your workloads and needs. It's not as mature as k8s and there are rough edges but if you're into the Hashicorp ecosystem and can run your workloads in FreeBSD jails it's pretty slick - think golang & rust apps, web, gaming servers, etc

At this point, why not switch to using a real database like mariadb or postgresql? These days you don't even have to run it yourself, every cloud provider offers it as a service and can handle backups, patching, replication for you

the last big us-east-1 outage was ... DNS - and it's usually DNS or software-defined core networking causing these cascading failures

Loss of DNS causes inter-service api calls to fail, then IAM and all other services fail. Anything not built to handle those situations with backoff causes a 'stampeding herd' of failure/retry and exacerbate the outage

Review the AWS statements about outages here - https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/technology/pes/

OpenWRT runs on some Ubiquiti hardware, check their compatibility list

Or stop using the crap YT frontent entirely - https://yewtu.be

Run your own alternate frontend - https://github.com/iv-org/invidious

Wow! didn't know that. Very helpful

That site doesn't even seem to support anything over 720p, so much for crap

I switched from Tridactyl to Vimium a while ago. Tridactyl is powerful and feature rich but more complex. Vimium does everything you need for normal usage and is super simple to set up (the default config is a very good base and you'll probably only end up making minimal changes over time).

One more extension related to container management - https://github.com/kintesh/containerise

This lets you set regex/wildcard to contain subdomain or redirect happy sites into a single container

Another game with good gunplay, fast action, and a CS-like feel is Insurgency: Sandstorm

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