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Decoding these signals should be a fun 1st project for Software Defined Radio. Google search shows several projects which did just that.

Can confirm, it's a great way to get started with radio stuff. Since I live in Europe, I did this with the German DCF77 signal. The frequency is low enough that you can do direct sampling with a 192ksps sound card or with an RP2040.

A nice thing about DCF77 is that once you manage to receive the amplitude modulated signal, you can move onto decoding the slightly more advanced spread-spectrum phase modulated signal, which carries (almost) the same data.

You can start by buying a time signal receiver module, and once you confirm that the module can receive the signal, cut off the ferrite antenna and use it with your own receiver.

Here's a nice article on which I based my own project: https://hal.science/hal-02182845/

Using the same setup (ferrite stick -> discrete transistor amplifier -> RP2040) I also managed to receive the polish AM station at 225kHz.

I think it's a very nice concept, but sometimes when you present, you have to use other people's computers, and I am wondering if it's possible to generate a PDF from this and use it for presentations?

My second thought is that something like this could be made as a LaTeX package, similar to Beamer. For scientists, there are many benefits to using LaTeX for presentations.

If I'm understanding it correctly, I think it renders your presentation to an html file that you can just open in a browser. I assume the effects and transitions are all powered by embedded JS. So it should be portable.

Yes, that is exactly right!

This is one important thing for me: the produced file must be self contained. Even if images are included, they are embedded in the html file.

Charging an EV is straightforward if you have a home parking spot. However, "According to the 2017 American Housing Survey, 66% of all occupied housing units in the United States had a garage or carport."

For those living in big cities and relying on street parking, EVs are still less practical. I envision a service where you leave your car parked on the street and schedule a mobile charger through an app to come and charge it while you're away.

Add driveway to garage or carport, but I get your point.

Individuals can’t install them, but cities or parking garages can. Level 1 or 2 chargers down a city street makes more sense the more EV adoption increases.

Right now only 1% of cars on the road are EV’s, but EV’s and plug in hybrids are 18% of new car sales. Even if adoption stalls we will still build a lot more EV infrastructure, which then makes EV’s more attractive.

This is a wise short-term solution to prevent potential legal exposure. Long-term, I think we will need to figure out how to deal with IP in AI-generated code.

In screenshots he uses Signal messenger to talk to the device. How this was achieved?

Signal supports SMS as well.

Not since a couple of years ago, unfortunately. Now I have to use a separate app for SMS and often miss messages.

I get a bit annoyed when people focus too much on the "functional" aspect when discussing Haskell. True, it's a significant part of it, but there are other functional languages that go back as far as Lisp. What sets Haskell apart from these languages is its strong typing, lazy evaluation, algebraic data types (along with supportive matching syntax), and many other small language features which together make it a really nice language.

Some other features I really miss from Haskell when programming in other languages are the dedicated function composition and application operators, curried functions by default, and support for partial application of operators.

What truly sets Haskell apart is how much the language shoehorns you into being an architecture and abstraction astronaut

I program Haskell every day and don't feel like I've been shoehorned into being "an architecture and abstraction astronaut". I do feel I've been gently nudged away from worst practices[1] though.

Could you elaborate more about what you mean, maybe giving some examples?

[1] https://www.haskellforall.com/2016/04/worst-practices-should...

Maybe just scarring from working with haskellers who are writing c++. The project has been delayed probably months due to shitty abstractions. Has never met a self imposed (generous) deadline. They keep breaking the up stack contract that I depend on. Why they didn't just choose c for this project is infuriating.

Literally was in a meeting where a new hire was given the green light because "she was a language lawyer but not enough of a language lawyer to get in the way". Fuck that.

Do you mean you worked with people who were Haskell enthusiasts but were programming in C++?

I don't think it "shoehorns" you into that. It certainly doesn't stop you from doing it. That's the thrust of this page:


Where a simple program goes through levels of increasing complexity before arriving at:

    fac n = product [1..n]

That doesn't set Haskell apart at all. Rust is the same. You have to first understand what programming patterns are strongly discouraged because they don't work well with the borrow checker (for good reasons!) and therefore best avoided.

I work a lot with academic papers on iPad and PDF expert is the best! https://pdfexpert.com/

Given the easy availability of so many titles, we clearly need better ways to find what to read. We don't want to be at the mercy of big publishers' marketing machines telling us what to read. I spend a lot of time looking at Amazon and Goodreads recommendations, word of mouth, and books mentioned by authors I like, etc.

Another issue with these forms is that the communication method is asymmetric. You fill out the form to contact the business, but their only way to respond is by sending you an email.

That’s good for companies though. When dealing with large volumes of customers asymmetric is good. Telephone lines get quickly overloaded.

Asymmetric, not asynchronous.

Autocorrect. Sorry.

And then the email has a “noreply” address. Earlier this year I had a whole conversation iteratively submitting the same unidirectional contact form for each turn of dialogue.

The question is: how widespread is it in 2024?

P.S. I am always using a VPN on Hotel/Cafe WiFi.

Far less due to TLS being ubiquitous

I think this is still possible with access points that require installing and trusting a custom certificate. The example in my mind is WeWork's WiFi

Installing a WiFi client certificate (in lieu of a PSK) and installing a root certificate used for TLS (in lieu of those distributed with the OS) are two completely different things, no?

Seriously?! That’s insane and would get my work laptop quarantined in minutes.

Anything you can do at the network level that can MITM in 2024 for TLS without the client needing a custom cert? I assume no, but curious anyway

I think if you block port 443 in such a way that a client sees it closed like any other non-HTTPS website, and the user has never been to the requested site before on that browser (to avoid HSTS being in effect), and they omit a scheme when typing the URL into the address bar, then the browser will make an unencrypted request and render the unencrypted response. However, popular browsers these days will add a "not secure" note near the address bar (where historically it would've had no such indication besides lack of padlock) and they'll try https first before falling back to http (but no fallback in the case of cached HSTS info from a prior visit).

Ah thats clever

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