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This is lovely. The whole thing.

I may have to revive my own blog now...

Plug for https://www.getclockwise.com/

Cal's writing has been a key source of inspiration for what we build.

I've tried seemingly every mail client on the planet, and Shortwave is the one that stuck. If you have a gmail account — especially a work account — and feel like you're drowning in crap email, Shortwave can move you through it like a knife through warm butter.

Hey HN, we analyzed more than 1.5M meetings, 80k engineers, and 5k companies to create the 2022 Engineering Meeting Benchmark Report. Some good stuff in here about how engineers and eng managers use their time.

This looks super promising. It's impressive how much has been built out already and I'm pumped to see where this goes.

Thanks, appreciate it!

I've been a user of shortwave for a couple months now, and I emphatically recommend giving it a try. I'm a very persnickety software snob and tried almost every email client without it sticking. I'm sure this won't be for everyone, but if you've struggled to get to inbox zero, I recommend giving it a try.

The channels are a cool addition, but most of the value for me is just the ease with which I can process volumes of email.

CEO of Clockwise here, so I'm biased! This game was built by our designers on a Hack Day. So, so fun and such a cool demonstration of how difficult internal scheduling can be.

^^^ this.

As others have pointed out (and some disagreed with), Apple has capital, supply-chain expertise, patience, and a dogmatic focus on the whole experience. In a realm where technology is increasingly a driver of the experience (no pun intended), cars start to make some sense.

But the battery claim... I just can't imagine a universe where Tesla isn't aware of the same hard-science. I'd love to be surprised though.

We built a tool around this essay to help better coordinate across maker and manager time: https://www.getclockwise.com/

At the core, it defragments your calendar, but it also provides a suite of utilities to help you better organize your time (color coding, Slack status, personal calendar sync, auto travel time, etc.). PG's essay has been a consistent point of inspiration for us.

Engineering teams at teams from 5 – 1000 use us. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Thanks for building Clockwise. Our entire team uses it, and it's quite useful for blocking off chunks of time.

The one part where we run into trouble is: we give our Calendly links a ton to external folks to schedule meetings.

Now either we mark our Clockwise blocks as "busy" in which case it's very difficult to schedule a meeting with us via Calendly, or "free" in which case people can schedule meetings with us at any point during the block in which case the block usually gets broken up.

Something that would be great is the ability to allow meetings in eg the first 45m or last 45m of a Clockwise block >2hrs long.

Whether you accomplish this by fragmenting blocks (45m free / 1 hr busy / 45m free), or some deeper integration w/ Calendly is immaterial, but this sort of thing would be immensely helpful!

Thanks! We built it because we had the problem!

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