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You would only ever do all that if you had no clue what you are doing (and most don't). It's rather trivial to bypass modern kernel anticheats, especially with a hacked up KVM or custom hypervisor. So much of anti-cheat nowadays is based off of automated (delayed) detection and user reports that you can easily ragehack to the the top ranks without ban if you just use silentaim (aimbot that doesn't need to change your view angles) and common sense.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that a majority of players in the top ranks of most popular FPSs are cheaters or queue with cheaters. There's nothing quite like watching the enemy stare right at you through every wall across the map and then carelessly run in a straight line towards you. Even more concerning is how many streamers queue up with blatant cheaters and then use their connections with game moderators to manually ban other cheaters.

I was expecting something similar to PhD Simulator: https://research.wmz.ninja/projects/phd/index.html

+9000. I never saw this before. Thank you to share. It is the academic version of "Papers, Please"!

> for code you love it is the devil

This doesn't have to be true! Zig's `zig fmt` doesn't wrap on column count but instead lets you insert breaks with a ",". While this does introduce a level of user discretion which can diminish the braindeadness of autoformatters, I find that it works a lot better because now I can choose where the reasonable place to break is. There may technically be more wiggle room for debate, but now you're spending less time debating variable names or whatever to get it to format not-awfully.

Can you not create an add-on collection to install arbitrary extensions anymore?

> Why even have classes at all at this point?

Perhaps this is the actual lesson? Instead of artificial opportunity cost in the form of exclusive choices, why not provide opportunity cost in the form of time/money/etc investment?

You're a Sword & Board fighter in need of stealing the MacGuffin. Instead of magically undoing the choices that got you here, you go out and practice Stealth until you're able to heist the famed MacGuffin.

Admittedly, this system does actually provide less immersion, meaningful choices, etc., but IMO this can be mitigated almost completely by making skilling up much harder. If you still want to promote class/archetype-based characters, then just make your character's class reduce the amount of XP needed to level up certain skills. While you're at it, make having high skills also reduce the XP cost of similar skills. Someone who's really good with two-handed weapons will probably pick up one-handed weapons much quicker than someone who's never even touched a weapon.

And if this isn't enough opportunity cost for truly meaningful choices, then limiting the availability of XP (in certain sections of the game?) is also an option.

This is what skyrim tries to do.

But Skyrim is extraordinarily trivial and any spec/build/config can slap the game no problem. So it hardly works in favor of Skyrim.

I think that the real takeaway is that creating a game that uses these systems is very hard to create. In other words it is "trivial" because anything complex would be hard to program and make consistent and most importantly fun.

There's a reason why web developers have the reputation they do.

I've done more things in asm than CSS, but I've spent far more time doing CSS.

Exactly. Just like how the British people just recently decided that privacy and encryption aren't "fair and just." After all, would a policymaker ever go against the desires of the voters?

> well, the majority who had political power anyway

You're making a massive assumption that this somehow equates to voters/the people.

You're making a really strange and unfounded assumption I frequently see, where you seem to want to absolve the common people of all guilt.

The idea that common white people 100+ years weren't massively racist is, honestly, ridiculous and downright insulting. Racist policies didn't come from a few leaders that somehow got themselves elected; regular people believed that way too. There's no shortage of historical evidence for this fact, and you trying to deny it really sounds a lot like flat-eartherism.

Granted, I only tested this for a few minutes, but I found that if I thought about "repeat" vs "switch" instead of "d" vs "f", then I could reliably get under 50% prediction. Sure, the prediction rate was high 40's, but that at least means I won!

A lot of it comes down to avoiding auto-piloting into a 50/50 distribution. Subconsciously, "random" means approaches 50/50 since that's how it works, right? I'm sure given enough time, it'll be able to predict me with >50% accuracy, but that's entirely okay. Random doesn't have to be fairly distributed. As long as it doesn't get to 100% then I still have personhood :^)

50% is random, though. 40% means it's right the other way.

> Previously the website used to say that overflowing could result in UB, but that was fixed today.

> No more undefined behavior.


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