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Literally a quote from the article:

> The company recently trimmed its annual profit forecast for the second time and projected steeper declines in sales of large agricultural equipment.

The initial installation and setup of robots won't be cheap. But the ongoing costs will be vastly cheaper than paying per hour for human labor.

I've been in the business long enough to know that the suppliers of these robots are going to wring their customers for every cent of recurring revenue they can. Once the kitchen is literally built around and dependent on them, they've got your nuts in a vise and they'll gleefully squeeze as hard as they can.

I imagine these things will break all the time, and have restrictive contracts on who can repair them at high dollar figures, see Mcdonalds ice cream machines X 100.

How did that end up working out for the mcflurry machine robot they already have installed?

Except that the robot makers aren't stupid. As with medical equipment, they are going to make the hardware/software a subscription not a one-time payment.

CEO makes CEO-type sweeping executive decisions. More breaking news at 9.

Garbage In, Garbage Out. It really is that simple.

Probably related: BLM (Bureau of Land Management) recently announced the categorical exclusion of geothermal energy projects from its more lengthy environmental impact reviews and processes and will give projects in this category a more expedited process, as they have been deemed to have little to no impact on the surrounding environment.

Source: https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/blm-to-speed-up-geothermal-ex...

This is actually a feature. A good API for public consumption is a specific thing to build with intentionality.

If your tech stack forces you to build an API in order to put a basic webpage together and handle form data, that is the red flag.

This might be somewhat true in some costal cities where there was a deliberate policy choice to make petty theft a misdemeanor (and thus encourage more crime), but this is just flat out not true where I live in the south. Theft is still very much prosecuted and not tolerated. I have never seen anyone just walk out with bags of stolen goods here, and our store aisles are not covered in locked plexiglass. Decline is a choice.

It’s not in coastal cities either, except where the police stopped enforcing the law as a negotiating tactic. For example, in San Francisco note how the work stoppage was focused on getting rid of a DA who threatened to prosecute a police officer who shot an unarmed man:


This is true about EVs, but it all just depends on how hard you are on your brakes. I routinely go 70k+ miles in ICE cars with the same brake pads. My mom on the other hand had to change hers about every 30k miles. YMMV.

I haven't really had to engage the friction brakes on my EV in the past 30,000mi, other than intentionally having a few hard stops to scrape rust off the rotors from not using them for so long.

a lot of that can depend on your commute. If you commute over hills, you can expect shorter time between replacing brake pads.

Having said this, if you can go 70k+ miles with the same brake pads, you could likely go much further than that if the car had regenerative braking.

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Does it support Canadian credit cards?

Yes. By banks I meant "Financial Institutions", which includes credit cards and other types of loans as well.

If you like spreadsheets, BudgetSheet might be an option for you: https://www.budgetsheet.com

You can try it for free, and if you want to upgrade you can pay monthly or annually.

Disclaimer: I am the creator of BudgetSheet :)

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