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In this video I have demonstrated and shown how to convert a search-related question asked to a @Slackhq Chatbot into a search with a pre-filter applied to make the search results more relevant.

I have used @LangChain 's Self-Querying feature that can convert a question like this:

"Can you find me that thread where Vinit Agrawal talked about AI Safety on the General channel?"


"from: @VinitAgrawal88 in:#general AI Safety"

This will reduce the search space significantly and improve the quality and relevance of search results.

Read more about LangChain's Self-Querying Retriever here: https://python.langchain.com/docs/modules/data_connection/re...

Nice Deep Fake

I'm not sure why you got downvoted, because that's actually something in my post. Thanks for the compliment, and sorry for your downvotes. Take this thank you instead. :(

How do you build that. I mean, what goes into building an A/B Testing system. Does it involve a bunch of statistics and maths?

It's surprisingly simple. Split testing tools are really just feature toggles with RNG and a little tracking.

The stats and maths are mostly on the reporting side. We just rely on a bunch of Chi-squared hypothesis tests - that's about the hardest part to an A/B testing system.

This is really cool. Not bad for your first game :)

Thank you! The mechanics sort of work ok, but it needs graphics and animation now. It is definitely good Javascript practice - I look at the early code when starting it, and think Ugh

This looks like a really useful tool. I would use it. How are you planning to market it?

Thanks! I haven't thought much about marketing yet - when it's ready I'll try submitting it to ShowHN, ProductHunt and dev subreddits.

Working on my company TARS. We have built a non-AI non-NLP Chatbot Builder product for last 3.5 Years.


I also wish I had time for some Side Projects.

I feel the pricing structure of MailChimp has become very complex. It reminds me of the pricing structure of intercom. Very difficult to clearly understand what am I being charged for. I don't know why they are doing this. They should work on making new features and charge more for that.

Loved the Gameplay, haven't see anything like this. :)

Editor & Code Management: Sublime Text 3, Atom Editor, Bitbucket, Git

Backend: MongoDB, Node.js, Express, RESTFul APIs, EJS Templates, AWS S3, AWS SQS, AWS EC2

Frontend: jQuery, Backbone.js, Vanila CSS, SPA Application.

What an amazing piece of text to read. Almost teared up. I am so excited about the future of humanity.

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