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I recently replaced moment (which is huge like others mentioned) with luxon (https://moment.github.io/luxon/). It has pretty much all the same functionality but a way smaller size.

Looks like a great start!

One thing that would be essential is better feedback on errors. Currently, if I enter an invalid SQL query I’m only told that it was incorrect. For beginners, this can be frustrating.

Fish has been my favorite shell for a few years. My favorite part is the auto suggestions, which works really well. And new completion rules are relatively easy to add.

Same here ! I really like how it suits all of my needs out-of-the-box.

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, CSS+SASS, Node.js, Python (Django), Cordova

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/villekaravirta

Email: vkaravir at gmail.com

Brief bio: developer at heart, researching/teaching educational technologies for programming education

Yes, couldn't read news and follow blogs without RSS.

My setup is FeedWrangler as sync backend and ReadKit on Mac, Mr. Reader on iPad, and Reeder on iPhone.

My post [1] made it to #8 on the front page last week and stayed there about 5 hours. I haven't made proper analysis yet, but here are rough numbers. The page got ~3500 visits, most of which within the first 24 hours. Most concurrent users was ~80. The first 24 hours got the linked app ~500 downloads, so that would give a pretty good conversion rate. I don't have data on how much of that came through the website or HN, though.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8070131

I've thought of other languages, but decided to focus on improving this Python version for now. This is a side project, so development time is limited.

Thanks for the feedback! Some of the questions have quite long code snippets, while some have only one line. But there should be room at least on iPhone5 to make the buttons larger. I'll work on it for the next update.

Yes, my list of feature and improvement ideas seems endless ;)

The app is free today and will change to paid ($0.99) tomorrow. I wanted to get downloads and hopefully climb in the rankings when launching.

That said, I built the app mostly for fun and learning, so making money -- while a nice bonus -- isn't the main motivator.

Please note that when switching an app between free and paid, your position in the rankings resets. If you get 1 million free downloads, and change your app to paid the next day, none of those downloads count in the paid charts ranking algorithm. (At least, in the past it hasn't)

That's good to know, thanks. Based on a previous launch, I was under the impression that they wouldn't reset. But it certainly does make sense that they do reset when going from free to paid.

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